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The 7 - Basketball - Clyde Drexler thinking about coming back
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#1 Posted on 17.9.04 1122.13
Reposted on: 17.9.11 1123.35

Clyde Drexler, just recently named to the Hall of Fame, is now considering a return to the NBA.

Drexler, 42, said Thursday he is seriously considering returning to the NBA and lists the Nuggets as a possibility.

"If someone with a chance to win a championship would call, I'd consider it," said the 6-foot-6, 222-pound Drexler, a 10-time all-star who retired in 1998. "I know I could do it."

Nuggets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe, a former teammate of Drexler's, is intrigued by the idea. He also has a roster spot available for a backup shooting guard and money available under the salary cap.
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#2 Posted on 22.9.04 2304.03
Reposted on: 22.9.11 2305.44
[Commence eye rolling now...]

Don't do it, Clyde. Honestly, you had a good run, you made the Trail Blazers a household name (for good reasons, not the bad reasons they're household names now), you won an NBA Championship with the Rockets, you're in the Hall of Fame-- leave well enough alone.

This just in, Robert Parish, Larry Bird and Kevin McHale are all thinking about coming back as well. Of course, none of 'em want to go back to the Celtics-- just like Clyde, they wanna go to a different team than what they're famous for. The Chief wants to go to Houston, Larry wants to go to Philadelphia and McHale is considering joining the Heat. Wow, all we gotta do now is get on the phone with Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan. ;)
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#3 Posted on 22.9.04 2344.27
Reposted on: 22.9.11 2344.29
I still stand firm in the belief that if Bird laced up one more time, he'd be able to nail the majority of his shots. I remember waiting for him to rip the suit and tie off, revealing a Pacers uniform back when he coached them against the Lakeshow in the Finals.
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#4 Posted on 27.9.04 0124.57
Reposted on: 27.9.11 0126.25
Funny you should mention that. Shortly after Michael Jordan returned to the Bulls, and Magic Johnson re-joined the Lakers as a backup power forward, I saw a commercial. It was for some beer, I guess-- I don't remember.

In the commercial, a team wearing green and white-- presumably the Celtics-- are getting their asses completely kicked all over the court. Larry Bird's in the stands, and all of a sudden he pulls off his sports coat to reveal a #33 jersey underneath it.

He came into the game and started drilling all his shots. He even dunked the ball, which inspired a couple of guys watching the TV to say in disbelief, "Bird DUNKS?!"

Of course, no Larry Bird commercial will ever be funnier than the off-Saturn's rings, off-Mount Rushmore, off-the billboard, nothing-but-net commercial with Michael Jordan. Although the commercial in which Larry's coaching the Pacers and distracts the Pistons' Grant Hill with McDonald's fries was funnier than hell, too.
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