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The 7 - Basketball - It's official, Vince says he wants out of Toronto
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#1 Posted on 16.9.04 1206.17
Reposted on: 16.9.11 1207.11

Good riddance I say. I'm tired of reading about all these stars wanting to be traded AFTER they sign huge long term contracts. They sign these huge contracts which make it impossible to get any other decent players because of the salary cap. Then the athletes say they want to leave because management isn't doing enough to put together a winning team. Obviously, it is never take into account that it was their huge contract that handcuffs management from signing any other players.

As for the future of basketball in Toronto, it'll be fine. They said the same thing when Damon Stoudamire left yet attendence didn't drop. Raps still have the 5th highest attendence in the league and I guess Chris Bosh could be built up as the future star of the team.
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DJ FrostyFreeze
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#2 Posted on 16.9.04 1237.59
Reposted on: 16.9.11 1238.01
    Originally posted by LionJeetSingh
    Good riddance I say. I'm tired of reading about all these stars wanting to be traded AFTER they sign huge long term contracts. They sign these huge contracts which make it impossible to get any other decent players because of the salary cap. Then the athletes say they want to leave because management isn't doing enough to put together a winning team. Obviously, it is never take into account that it was their huge contract that handcuffs management from signing any other players.
I'm not a big fan of Vince's, but I can see a little bit of his side on this one. The article I read about his trade demand this morning said that this season, he'll be playing for his 2nd GM & 3rd coach in 3 years. Sounds like a pretty crappy situation to be in.
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#3 Posted on 16.9.04 1436.05
Reposted on: 16.9.11 1436.06
Yeah, but DJ, he is one of the main reasons things have been changed over the last couple of years.

He complained when Lenny was here.
Then he complained about O'Neill.
And finally Grunwald.

For some reason Vince thinks he should have a say in who is running the team.

I finally think that they might be on the right track this time and it surprises me greatly that he wants out now.

Net Hack Slasher
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#4 Posted on 19.9.04 0326.37
Reposted on: 19.9.11 0326.38
    Originally posted by haz
    For some reason Vince thinks he should have a say in who is running the team.

The problem is Raptors/MLSE CEO & Prez Richard Peddie told Carter that he was going involved in the selection of the New GM... He didn't think much of Carter's choice (Dr. J). Peddie selected a new GM and didn't bother giving Carter the call beforehand as he said he would.
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#5 Posted on 19.9.04 1247.14
Reposted on: 19.9.11 1249.07
Richard Peddie did give Dr. J an interview at Carter's suggestion. Obviously, Erving wasn't impressive enough to land the job.
Big Bad
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#6 Posted on 20.9.04 0213.46
Reposted on: 20.9.11 0219.03
I had to laugh....somebody asked Pat Riley is the Heat would be interested in Carter, and Riley said no because Miami is "looking for toughness." Zing! Third degree burn!
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#7 Posted on 22.9.04 2307.33
Reposted on: 22.9.11 2309.24
Well normally when a big-name player makes a trade demand, I'm the first to tell the Pacers to "go get 'im!"-- but I don't want Vince on our team. I sure as hell don't want to trade Artest to get VC. What, Vince is gonna end up playing 47 games or something? Sorry, but I want someone on my team who isn't gonna get injured all the freakin' time.
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#8 Posted on 23.9.04 1022.38
Reposted on: 23.9.11 1022.46
    Originally posted by ekedolphin
    ...but I don't want Vince on our team.

    Originally posted by ekedolphin
    What, Vince is gonna end up playing 47 games or something? Sorry, but I want someone on my team who isn't gonna get injured all the freakin' time.

Now you know how us Raptor fans feel...

To top it off for us, Vince doesn't want to be here...
Lap cheong
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#9 Posted on 23.9.04 1121.29
Reposted on: 23.9.11 1121.31

Vince Carter is expressing frustration at how long it is taking Raptors management to get him dealt someplace where he will be more appreciated. Unfortunately, they don't play NBA games in his mommy's living room.


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