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The 7 - Basketball - Pacers getting new jerseys next season
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#1 Posted on 9.9.04 0105.37
Reposted on: 9.9.11 0106.09

    Question: Are the Pacers getting new uniforms this year? It is way past time to get rid of the current pinstripe ones. The retro jerseys from last year should be brought back full time. Could you start a campaign for change? (Matt from Greensburg, Ind.)

    Answer: I wrote late last season that a decision already has been made to introduce new uniforms for the 2005-06 season. The players had some input on the design and I'm told the uniforms are somewhat retro in nature. Teams have to make these changes far ahead of implementing them for marketing purposes. The league doesn't want them suddenly bringing out a new design when it's still trying to sell the old uniforms.

I kinda miss the FloJo track jerseys. Maybe they can bring those back.
Looks like these are going away:
(image removed)
(image removed)
(image removed)

(edited by Kawshen on 9.9.04 0206)

(edited by Kawshen on 9.9.04 0207)
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#2 Posted on 9.9.04 0333.45
Reposted on: 9.9.11 0334.07
Ack NO! Figures that the Pacers would change their jerseys just after I finally got my own personalized #12 jersey for Christmas.

On the other hand, I guess 2005 is gonna be A Very Merry Pacer Christmas, Part II. Whoo-hoo!

I just hope the new uniforms don't suck. And so help me, they'd better leave the logo alone.
The Thrill
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#3 Posted on 9.9.04 0751.45
Reposted on: 9.9.11 0753.31
I can't find it on their website, but Hot Topic here in Green Bay had a couple of retro-looking screen printed Pacers T-shirts...the older logo with the hand.

(image removed)

Something like that. (Courtesy Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Indiana Pacers section)

Shall I pick one up for ya and mail it to your Hoosier ass? :-)
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#4 Posted on 11.9.04 0520.13
Reposted on: 11.9.11 0520.15
I'm afraid the pic's not loadin'.
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