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#1 Posted on 8.9.04 1119.22
Reposted on: 8.9.11 1120.05

    The Timberwolves this week are making a serious effort to sign free-agent power forward Karl Malone. The Wolves plan to have the NBA's most valuable player, Kevin Garnett, fly to Los Angeles with coach Flip Saunders to try to persuade the 6-foot-9, 259-pound future hall of famer and two-time MVP to sign with Minnesota.

    The San Antonio Spurs are considered the Wolves' top competition for Malone, who's still seeking an NBA championship ring after 19 seasons.

I still have a hard time believing he leaves LA (if he comes back at all) but if he's at 100% and he signs with either of these two (or Miami, who's also courting him) - watch out.


Looks like Malone is staying put in LA.,0,5205991.story?coll=sfla-sports-headlines

There are a host of contender teams lobbying for Karl Malone, but it seems more and more likely that he will remaing with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Shaquille O'Neal has actively recruited the Mailman, but an O'Neal associate said it was the center's belief that Malone eventually would elect to return to the Lakers. That possibility appears even stronger now that Malone's children have been enrolled in schools in suburban Los Angeles.

The Heat and Spurs can both offer him the NBA minimum of $1.1 million for the coming season. The Lakers could offer slightly more, while it appears increasingly likely that the Timberwolves are not to a factor.

(edited by Kawshen on 10.9.04 1034)

(edited by Kawshen on 10.9.04 1034)
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