DJ FrostyFreeze
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| #1 Posted on 1.9.04 1626.47 Reposted on: 1.9.11 1627.43 | PLEASE BELlEVE lT
ESPN RADIO in Los Angeles just announced that all charges have been dropped against Kobe Bryant in Eagle, CO.
This morning, the defense filed a motion to dismiss all charges because they say the D.A. witheld evidence. Part of the D.A.'s case is based on injuries that the accuser sustained that they say came from unconsentual sex. But the expert who came up with that theory ALSO said that those injuries could have very well come from consentual sex as well. Apparently, the D.A. kept that 2nd part of the expert's report from the defense.
Anywho, the prosecution agreed this afternoon to drop all charges with the condition that they be allowed to re-open the case & re-try Kobe at a later date.
As I type this, ESPN RADIO has a legal expert from Celebrity Justice on and he's saying that the D.A. reserving the right to retry when dismissing charges is fairly common, so this thing might actually be OVER.
When ESPN RADIO comes back from break, they're going to talk to their correspondent in CO & the legal expert guy, so I'll let you guys know what everybody says here (I dont see this story on the web yet).
Harvy Levin of Celebrity Justice says HE (& his show) have inside info on a secret arrangement/settlement between Kobe & the accuser possibly invoiving money where she will tell the D.A. that she wants to drop all charges (although I'm not sure she can do that actually) & she wants NOTHING to do with this case any further, and Kobe is supposedly to write the accuser a letter basically saying "I did not assault this woman, but if she feels that I did, then I am sorry".
ESPN RADIO is now also saying that the charges have been dismissed "with prejudice", which means there is verry little or no chance the D.A. will be able to retry the case.
(edited by DJ FrostyFreeze on 1.9.04 1437)
(edited by DJ FrostyFreeze on 1.9.04 1438) Promote this thread! |  | BWT
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| #2 Posted on 1.9.04 1640.28 Reposted on: 1.9.11 1641.24 |
Yeah it looks like all this is going to end soon. None of us will know what really happened that night but deep down I just cant think that he did it. | Kawshen
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| #3 Posted on 1.9.04 1717.10 Reposted on: 1.9.11 1726.44 | I knew it. Common sense does exist. Thank God. 
Favorite line: The agreement came about, in part, because of the alleged victim's reluctance to testify, sources familiar with the case told ABC News.
This one sentence pretty much reinforces the image of her lacking credibility.
I don't want to see an innocent man get set up (IMO) and sent to prison. No matter how much I dislike said innocent man.
Take the $$$ and run. Just like I knew she would.
(edited by Kawshen on 1.9.04 1845) | JayJayDean
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| #4 Posted on 1.9.04 1737.30 Reposted on: 1.9.11 1737.31 | TO: Mr. DJ FrostyFreeze FROM: Eagle County, Colorado Prosecutor's office
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| #5 Posted on 1.9.04 1747.06 Reposted on: 1.9.11 1751.13 | Aww, thanks you guys! *You shouldn't have!
*Yes you should have. Sooner.
CBS RADIO here in Los Angeles (I turned off ESPN RADIO because an Angels game came on & I dont like baseball) says the D.A. in Eagle, CO will be having a live press-confrence in about 10 minutes (4pm Pacific).
| Tony Stewart
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| #6 Posted on 1.9.04 2140.44 Reposted on: 1.9.11 2140.47 |
Favorite line: The agreement came about, in part, because of the alleged victim's reluctance to testify, sources familiar with the case told ABC News.
This one sentence pretty much reinforces the image of her lacking credibility.
It's unreal what they did to the witness all the way up to this point. Whether Kobe did it or not is one thing, but the way you can manipulate a court room and a witness's credibility even before a trial starts is a pretty scary thing.
Kobe says "After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter."
That's an odd thing for an innocent man that was wrongly accused to say right after avoiding a trial.
| The Thrill
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| #7 Posted on 2.9.04 0803.42 Reposted on: 2.9.11 0805.03 | Originally posted by Tony Stewart Kobe says "After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter."
So he didn't rape her, but he gets how she could think he did!?
WTF!? | Grimis
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| #8 Posted on 2.9.04 0821.08 Reposted on: 2.9.11 0821.11 | Nice for the DA to use the cover of "she doesn't want to testify" when they damn well know they could subpeona her if she got cold feet. | StaggerLee
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| #9 Posted on 2.9.04 0853.14 Reposted on: 2.9.11 0853.50 | Originally posted by Tony Stewart
Favorite line: The agreement came about, in part, because of the alleged victim's reluctance to testify, sources familiar with the case told ABC News.
This one sentence pretty much reinforces the image of her lacking credibility.
It's unreal what they did to the witness all the way up to this point. Whether Kobe did it or not is one thing, but the way you can manipulate a court room and a witness's credibility even before a trial starts is a pretty scary thing.
Just as easy as, say, accusing a guy of rape may make him look like a scum bag before the trial? Letting it out that he tore your vagina so badly that there was blood all over his shirt? Yeah, the ACCUSED who is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty really, really gets the better end of the deal on this one, doesnt he? | JayJayDean
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| #10 Posted on 2.9.04 0857.43 Reposted on: 2.9.11 0858.48 | Originally posted by Grimis Nice for the DA to use the cover of "she doesn't want to testify" when they damn well know they could subpeona her if she got cold feet.
Yeah, but how would THAT look good for them.
"Your Honor, we've argued tirelessly for how this poor girl has been victimized by the defendant and this Court's WE'D like to get in on the fun and call her as a witness against her will."
Originally posted by The Thrill So he didn't rape her, but he gets how she could think he did!?
Haven't ever said something that someone took COMPLETELY out of context, then after discussing it, understood how they could have taken what you had said the wrong way? They did that to DEATH with what happened in that room, I'm sure. | pieman
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| #11 Posted on 2.9.04 1111.18 Reposted on: 2.9.11 1112.26 | Originally posted by DJ FrostyFreeze (I turned off ESPN RADIO because an Angels game came on & I dont like baseball)
That's just so wrong.
Innocent of the rape charges or not, Kobe still is a lying liar because he broke his vows of marriage to his wife. Adulterer role model. Nice. | Grimis
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| #12 Posted on 2.9.04 1148.02 Reposted on: 2.9.11 1149.22 | Originally posted by JayJayDean Yeah, but how would THAT look good for them.
I don't dispute that. But I think the case would've gone to trial if the prosecution had not fumbled so many times... | Kawshen
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| #13 Posted on 2.9.04 1457.37 Reposted on: 2.9.11 1457.38 | ESPN Chat log from their legal expert, Roger Kossack:
I was watching this guy this morning he was pretty livid at the accuser and that DA. | StaggerLee
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| #14 Posted on 3.9.04 0126.06 Reposted on: 3.9.11 0129.01 | Originally posted by pieman Innocent of the rape charges or not, Kobe still is a lying liar because he broke his vows of marriage to his wife. Adulterer role model. Nice.
He wasnt on trial for cheating on his wife. That's what is between the two of them. And, if you need a role model, picking a guy who happens to excell at sports is harldy the person I would advicate. | SlipperyPete
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| #15 Posted on 3.9.04 2246.21 Reposted on: 3.9.11 2250.35 | Originally posted by Grimis But I think the case would've gone to trial if the prosecution had not fumbled so many times...
This is what I don't understand about the case. These screw-ups by the court that released information about the accuser....... wasn't it information that was going to come out in the trial anyway? For example, the DNA test that showed signs of a second man when she went to get examined, even though there was no such DNA found on Kobe. That would be heard by the jury, wouldn't it? This wasn't excluded evidence, to the best of my knowledge.
So the prosecution and the accuser's family started complaining about all the damage these leaks caused and how the information would taint the jury pool. I would imagine that they were complaining about this because reasonable people, when they hear of this evidence, may be less likely to believe the claims the girl was making. The prosecutors knew about this evidence all along. If they were worried that potential jurors may hear about it and not believe the girl, shouldn't they have been worried that actual jurors would hear it and not believe the girl?
These DA's have to rank among the dumbest and most selfish attorneys of all time. Instead of owning up to the fact that they barely had a case, this DA wants to act like he was ready and willing but it's the accuser's fault that things aren't going forward. I hope all of them get fired for this embarassment. | pieman
As young as he feels Level: 124
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| #16 Posted on 4.9.04 1125.25 Reposted on: 4.9.11 1126.21 | Originally posted by StaggerLee
Originally posted by pieman Innocent of the rape charges or not, Kobe still is a lying liar because he broke his vows of marriage to his wife. Adulterer role model. Nice.
He wasnt on trial for cheating on his wife. That's what is between the two of them. And, if you need a role model, picking a guy who happens to excell at sports is harldy the person I would advicate.
So when McDonald's was using him to pitch sales, they weren't saying to kids - eat at McDonald's because Kobe Bryant does? Aiming ads at kids using these people who excel at sports is exactly what they are advocating. | StaggerLee
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| #17 Posted on 4.9.04 1639.46 Reposted on: 4.9.11 1642.54 | No, what I was saying is, ad pitch men arent the same as role models. A Role model, to me at least, is somebody you or somebody else can look up to and pattern your life after, because they are successfull, happy, healthy people.
People in commercials are people selling you shit. Plain and simple. | DrewDewce
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| #18 Posted on 5.9.04 1812.49 Reposted on: 5.9.11 1813.06 | I was just glad to see Woody Harrelson back in the spotlight. It's been too long.
I mean, that DA is his illegitimate brother isn't he?? | DJ FrostyFreeze
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| #19 Posted on 5.9.04 1819.49 Reposted on: 5.9.11 1820.13 | Originally posted by StaggerLee No, what I was saying is, ad pitch men arent the same as role models. A Role model, to me at least, is somebody you or somebody else can look up to and pattern your life after, because they are successfull, happy, healthy people.
People in commercials are people selling you shit. Plain and simple.
Yes. We realize that, thank you.
Children, however, most times do not/can not make that distinction, and I think that was pieman's point. | StaggerLee
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| #20 Posted on 7.9.04 0216.09 Reposted on: 7.9.11 0216.39 | Which is all the more reason to be involve in your childs life. Either way, Kobe is a free man, free to screw hot 19 year old hotel employees once again!
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