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The 7 - Basketball - Team USA ripping off Ric Flair? Register and log in to post!
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Lap cheong
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#1 Posted on 27.8.04 0959.33
Reposted on: 27.8.11 1002.54
That's what this guy says ...

    Originally posted by InsideHoops
    It's been said of Flair that he could have a rip-roaring match with a broom. Displaying his extraordinary wrestling and dramatic skills, he'd have the crowd convinced that the broom really did have a chance to take his title. He'd put the fans through an hour-long emotional roller coaster, then squeeze out a victory in the final seconds - perhaps using the ring ropes for illegal leverage in applying the winning pin, as befits the self-proclaimed "dirtiest player in the game."

    Flair might even battle the broom to a draw or, if it were a non-title match, have the broom come out on top. Regardless of the outcome, Flair would escape with his championship belt while the broom would gain something far more important, from the perspective of the wrestling business: a following. The broom would have proved itself to the locals by going toe-to-toe with the champion of the world. It would now be seen as a legitimate title contender, and the broom's growing fan base would turn out in droves a month later for the rematch.

    Allow me to introduce you to the basketball equivalents of that broom: Puerto Rico, Italy, Greece, Argentina, Serbia-Montenegro, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and yes, Lithuania. Many of these brooms appeared to give Team USA as much as or more than it could handle, either in the exhibition season or in the first round of Olympic competition.

    But note the key point: None of those losses - not even the two first-round losses - prevented Team USA from advancing to the quarterfinals, where eight teams started a single-elimination tournament Thursday that culminates in the gold-medal game Saturday. Those losses were part of a carefully crafted American plan hatched in 2002 to create a world-wide b-ball buzz by building up its international foes.

An interesting theory, I'll give him that much ...

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The Thrill
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#2 Posted on 27.8.04 1417.53
Reposted on: 27.8.11 1419.22
Neat theory...but that's waaayyyyyy too complicated and non-ego-centric for somebody like A.I. to pull off. :-)
Guru Zim
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#3 Posted on 27.8.04 1432.03
Reposted on: 27.8.11 1432.39

Spoiler Below: Highlight text to read
They just lost
Net Hack Slasher
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#4 Posted on 30.8.04 0939.20
Reposted on: 30.8.11 0939.23
Does this mean the USA basketball team just did a Flair FLOP

I thought the Pistons/Lakers proved this year having the best collection of athletes/players doesn't necessary guarantee victory... Many of the teams in the Olympics smoked U.S out because their team play was superior
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#5 Posted on 31.8.04 1824.26
Reposted on: 31.8.11 1825.38
    Originally posted by Net Hack Slasher
    I thought the Pistons/Lakers proved this year having the best collection of athletes/players doesn't necessary guarantee victory... Many of the teams in the Olympics smoked U.S out because their team play was superior

I think having the best collection of players CAN guarantee victory, but only if that collection is head and shoulders above the competition, ala the original Dream Team. Having a bunch of guys that are a little bit better than everyone else isn't enough if those guys don't play well together.

- StingArmy
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