Liverwurst Level: 75
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Since: 2.1.02 From: Bronx, NY
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| #1 Posted on 4.8.04 1419.22 Reposted on: 4.8.11 1423.41 | Hawks get Antonie Walker and Tony Delk. Mavs get Jason Terry, Alan Henderson and a future first-round draft pick (which I'm sure they'll happily ship to Jersey for Jason Kidd come December.) Promote this thread! |  | Torchslasher
Knackwurst Level: 118
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Since: 17.1.02 From: South F’n Carolina
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| #2 Posted on 4.8.04 1639.58 Reposted on: 4.8.11 1640.03 | This Cuban guy is looking like a great personality but a horrible GM. He throws money around, and now has Jason Terry to show for it? Finley is too old, and Nowitski cannot be happy with being the only guy left in town.
As Around The Horn discussed today, I don't even see Dallas making the playoffs this year. Ugh. | BOSsportsfan34
Pepperoni Level: 72
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| #3 Posted on 5.8.04 1503.43 Reposted on: 5.8.11 1507.16 | Originally posted by Torchslasher This Cuban guy is looking like a great personality but a horrible GM. He throws money around, and now has Jason Terry to show for it? Finley is too old, and Nowitski cannot be happy with being the only guy left in town.
As Around The Horn discussed today, I don't even see Dallas making the playoffs this year. Ugh.
I don't know. Maybe Terry was all that the Mavs could get for Walker. At least according to Peter May. | Tony Stewart
Pickled pork Level: 33
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| #4 Posted on 6.8.04 0631.42 Reposted on: 6.8.11 0632.21 | Cuban would save himself a lot of money by just signing up for Fantasy Basketball. | ALL ORIGINAL POSTS IN THIS THREAD ARE NOW AVAILABLE |
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