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| #1 Posted on 6.5.04 0054.53 Reposted on: 6.5.11 0055.15 | Am I alone in thinking that ol' Chuck is just hilarious?
Not ha-ha funny but so outrageous and mind-blowingly stupid that you HAVE to laugh at him? Just take tonight after the Lakers/Spurs game when he was arguing proper grammar with Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson (Your or You're) which prompts Chuck to say: "Why we need apostrophes?"
Another Chuck moment has to be his evaluation of the Nuggets new threads: "Them thang's hideous. Men shouldn't be wearing powder blue."
Though I think his best moments are when he's arguing with Kenny Smith. Especially after the whole "eating soup with a fork or spoon" thing Kenny threw out.
Anyone else digging Sir Charles right now?
(edited by Kawshen on 6.5.04 0155) Promote this thread! |  | Ruby Trax
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| #2 Posted on 6.5.04 0253.28 Reposted on: 6.5.11 0256.24 | Originally posted by Kawshen Not ha-ha funny but so outrageous and mind-blowingly stupid
Oh come on, he's a GENIUS. He should have a whole entire network to himself. "I'm not tired, I'ma get my swerve on."
http://www.nba.com/inside - BOOKMARK IT NOW. MANUUUUU GINOOOOOOBLI | JoshMann
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| #3 Posted on 6.5.04 0738.55 Reposted on: 6.5.11 0741.41 | Originally posted by kawshen Not ha-ha funny but so outrageous and mind-blowingly stupid that you HAVE to laugh at him?
It's been a year and him looking around San Antonio and going "What d'hell IS there to do in this po-dunk?" is still a running joke between my dad and I.
(edited by Blanket Jackson on 6.5.04 0839) | The Amazing Salami
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| #4 Posted on 6.5.04 0844.12 Reposted on: 6.5.11 0845.44 | Geesus YES. I have noticed that during the actual games, I flip back and forth between whatever else is on and the game.
But during the halftime and post game shows I am GLUED to this station. And it's all because of Sir Charles.
My favorite last night on Tony Parker....."Yeah, he playing good but I want to see how he react when somebody just come up and knock his ass down. I mean, knock his ass down. Run over his ass. Knock him down." | Battlezone
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| #5 Posted on 6.5.04 1121.27 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1123.59 | Originally posted by bitchfactor He should have a whole entire network to himself.
Absolutely. I'm also of the belief that ABC should let Ernie, Jet and Chuck do the studio shows for the NBA Finals. It'd be better than the stiffs they've got doing it now.
My favorite line so far this postseason? After the Minnesota/Denver Game 4, when the Denver fans were raining debris down on the Twolves, Charles says, "Oh. See, now that's why...I think that every NBA player, once a game, should be able to grab one fan out of the seats and beat the hell out of him." | chuckc14
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| #6 Posted on 6.5.04 1216.00 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1216.00 | Originally posted by Battlezone Absolutely. I'm also of the belief that ABC should let Ernie, Jet and Chuck do the studio shows for the NBA Finals. It'd be better than the stiffs they've got doing it now.
I would rather hear Bill Walton recite Shakespeare for 24 straight hours, than hear ONE MORE word out of Steven A. Smith. Words can't express how much I dislike that man.
And Charles' reaction to being called a "hottie" by the Queer eye gang might be the single funniest moment in television history. An episode of Inside the NBA is consistently every bit as funny as any other show on tv. | Packman V2
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| #7 Posted on 6.5.04 1309.01 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1312.14 | I think without a doubt...he is the most straight forward analyst in any sport....he just drops bombs....whether or not it'll offend or not. The your incident last night was great..and him and Kenny are great together...one of the few post game shows I look forward too. | SEADAWG
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| #8 Posted on 6.5.04 1519.44 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1520.43 | BARKLEY: "Now in fairness, let me just say this one thing. I don't know anything about the young lady. But just saying she's a good student and she's a cheerleader, doesn't mean she's not a hooker." | ekedolphin
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| #9 Posted on 6.5.04 1531.20 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1531.31 | Charles cracks me the hell up. I'm very surprised he can say things like that on NBA programming and get away with it, but hey... this is Sir Charles' world, and we're all just living in it. | JoshMann
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| #10 Posted on 6.5.04 1538.50 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1541.18 | BARKLEY: "The Bucks stink, but they try hard...you know how when there's a really ugly girl, and the first thing her friends say is 'oh, she's got a great personality'? Milwaukee has a GREAT personality."
I was just thinking to myself earlier, that this thread could just break itself down into 'The Quotable Charles Barkley Thread' and STILL be supremely awesome. 
(edited by Blanket Jackson on 6.5.04 1639) | Battlezone
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| #11 Posted on 6.5.04 1552.11 Reposted on: 6.5.11 1552.14 | BARKLEY: "Kevin [Garnett] has always been good. It's just now that they've gotten him some help with Sprewell and Gollum, that they think he's an MVP." | MARTYEWR
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| #12 Posted on 7.5.04 1100.46 Reposted on: 7.5.11 1101.02 | Some memorable ones from Sir Charles:
http://www.brainyquote.com/ quotes/ authors/c/charles_barkley.html
EDIT: Even better:
(edited by MARTYEWR on 7.5.04 1204)
Charles Barkley, to TNT colleagues Ernie Johnson Jr. and Kenny Smith: "I'm the smartest person on this set. You two are just here for decorations."
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