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| #1 Posted on 24.2.02 1609.18 Reposted on: 24.2.09 1609.42 | If you didn't watch this game, you missed one of the best of all time. Canada beat the U.S. 5-2, but most of the game was a 3-2 game with tons of great shots, great saves, and great hits. Excellent and exciting. But right now is the time to celebrate Canada's first gold medal in men's ice hockey since 1952! WHOOOO! Promote this thread! |  | odessasteps
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| #2 Posted on 24.2.02 1611.51 Reposted on: 24.2.09 1611.55 | While it was a really good game (and the team I wanted to win did), it seems there was A LOT of dumping the puck (mostly by the Canadians) that slowed the pace of the game.
I did think it was funny to see Janet Jones celebrating after the game. Hey honey, it's not your country. :>
| The Goon
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| #3 Posted on 24.2.02 1736.53 Reposted on: 24.2.09 1743.02 | Like I said after Gretzky's speech last week: Canada against the world. And Canada wins.
What a great day to be a Canadian.
The face paint is still running off my face. I drove home from the bar holding the flag out of the window-kids are on every street corner, dancing, waving flags. It's the same way from coast to coast.
Jerome Iginla is my new hero. My God, I love this country. It was so beautiful to hear our anthem again today. | odessasteps
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| #4 Posted on 24.2.02 1849.01 Reposted on: 24.2.09 1849.10 | I'm sorry we have to wait a week until we get to hear Don Cherry Saturday night on HNIC.
If only NBC could have borrowed him after the game... | BrewGuy
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| #5 Posted on 24.2.02 2058.50 Reposted on: 24.2.09 2059.01 | I for one, would NEVER put Cherry on US TV. He'd start a war. 
Needless to say, I'm a little emotionally drained, but I'm also the happiest man in the world. I am so happy for Gretzky most of all, because now all the Canadian media who doubted Gretzky when one little thing went wrong and who called him a whiner after rallying his team will now have to SHUT THE FUCK UP and eat a big, fat helping of humble pie. I just love it. Gretzky is now officially GOD.
I hope you guys got to see a little bit of the celebrations up here. Yonge Street in Toronto, which some have called the busiest street in the world, was BARREN of people today for the game. And now, every major city in Canada is pretty much bogged up with people on the street cheering the gold medal win. Literally. They're EVERYWHERE across the entire country, from B.C. to Newfoundland - it was an astonishing and a beautiful sight.
The Americans played a great game - Richter was AWESOME; he really kept the Americans in it. The Canadians were just dominant today - they wouldn't be denied. The Americans really stormed back in the third and had the Canadians running, but we were able to capitalize on a couple of breaks, the biggest being Sakic's second goal to seal the deal. Congrats to Team USA for a fantastic tournament - their crowd support was off the charts, and their classy waving to the fans after the game was terrific. All in all, a fantastic day to be not just a Canadian, but a hockey fan.
(edited by BrewGuy on 24.2.02 2159) | quagmire
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| #6 Posted on 24.2.02 2259.34 Reposted on: 24.2.09 2259.40 | canada defintely deserved to win, no doubt about it. richter played awesome and canada really limited the amount of u.s. scoring chances. sorry, but i don't think gretzky deserves any credit for the win. what did he do that was so great? it's not like he was picking a team from a bunch of no names...why was ryan smyth on the team when joe thornton sat at home? i don't get that one. anyhow, wayne-o was picking the best of the best, and while he wouldn't have deserved any blame if they didn't win the gold, he really didn't do anything to deserve much credit IMO. can we not agree that anyone with limited hockey knowledge could have picked a similar team to the one team canada fielded? the only thing that irritated me, like odessasteps said, is why janet jones was so excited. she should have been beaten on sight for being a traitor. oh yeah, and who brought pat quinn back from the dead? tell him/her that they forgot his right eye.
(edited by quagmire on 25.2.02 0007) | dMp
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| #7 Posted on 25.2.02 0359.37 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0400.27 | It was a very exciting game. Not always a good game though. The canadians did the only thing they could do to halt the US offense and that is play NHL hockey, forcing them back into their own zone.
My MVP pick for this game, especially the first 2 periods is Niedermayer. He kept appearing in front of Richter, as if he was a center. That kept the US defense in their own zone..
Friend of mine was totally pissed that the USA played horrible. IMO that was because the Canadians got them trapped and stuff..
Awesome win. Kudos to the Canadians. I didn't expect them to win after seeing how bad they played the first two games.. Kudos to the USA. They put on one helluva show and erased the 98 debacle. | undonemon
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| #8 Posted on 25.2.02 0614.26 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0627.42 | Not wanting to ask a dumb question, but we dont get a lot of Hockey here in Australia so maybe someone can answer this for me.
Why did Lemieux get an assist on the first Canadian goal? He didnt appear to make contact with the puck. | dunkndollaz
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| #9 Posted on 25.2.02 0702.15 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0704.30 | HATS OFF TO CANADA !!! What a great game. No excuses from this USA Fan - Canada had the jump in their legs from the go. Three minutes in, I told the wife it wasn't going to be our day even if my man, Richter, did stand on his head all day.
And what can you say about Joe Sakic ? On the world's biggest stage he turned in a brilliant performance. God I wish he played for the Rangers......
Congrats all you hosers - enjoy it until 2006 !!! | pieman
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| #10 Posted on 25.2.02 0756.55 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0759.02 | From another USA fan, congrats to the Canadians! They certainly deserved to win. They played a much better game while Richter kept the USA hopes alive.
Enjoy Brew! | tarnish
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| #11 Posted on 25.2.02 0801.00 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0811.41 | The canadians did the only thing they could do to halt the US offense and that is play NHL hockey, forcing them back into their own zone.
Erm. The Swedes had everybody pinned in their own zone, but were playing nothing like an NHL game. In fact, on an NHL ice surface it is prohibitively difficult to cycle the puck in the corners the way the Canadians were doing. Part of the difficulty for our guys (and the Americans, actually) was letting go of the NHL game.
While it was a really good game (and the team I wanted to win did), it seems there was A LOT of dumping the puck (mostly by the Canadians) that slowed the pace of the game.
Dumping the puck is one of the only strategies that works when the other team is stacking the blueline the way the Americans were doing in the middle of the game (hey, it worked for Belarus against Sweden). And they had to start clogging the blueline after the one-man back system was giving up odd-man breaks. And I think if you compare game pace you'll find that was one of the fastest games ever. And in the third the Americans were dumping just as much as the Canadians; if there had been an icing call every time the puck went the length of the ice the third period would have taken hours. Instead it was a fast-paced game the whole way through.
sorry, but i don't think gretzky deserves any credit for the win. what did he do that was so great? it's not like he was picking a team from a bunch of no names...why was ryan smyth on the team when joe thornton sat at home? i don't get that one. anyhow, wayne-o was picking the best of the best, and while he wouldn't have deserved any blame if they didn't win the gold, he really didn't do anything to deserve much credit IMO. can we not agree that anyone with limited hockey knowledge could have picked a similar team to the one team canada fielded?
Gretzky deserves all the credit in the world. Why? Because he was willing to not only make picks, but stand up for them against a vicious national media who were expecting the worst. If Canada had lost, Gretzky would have been the first to take the blame. It NOT easy to pick 24 people from 100 of the best in the world. Yeah, Thornton could easily have been there, but Ryan Smyth was key, especially in that last game. I'm sure Thornton would agree with me that the right decision was made this time.
Yeah, the Canadians resorted to the trap towards the end of the game. The American would have done the same in the same situation, I guarantee it. At the same time, on big ice, the trap isn't the dominant strategy it is on smaller ice unless you've got significantly greater team speed.
Meanwhile, Canada took advantage of the American team's harder road to the finals and ran them out of gas with fast-paced hockey and grinding it out whenever possible. Did you notice the Canadians letting the puck go into their feet in the corners here and there to engage the smaller American defence in close-quarters? Working in the corners is like playing the line in football; it's hard fucking work.
Canada finally played a smart game (actually a smart tournament) of internatonal hockey. And we finally brought home the gold. Maybe J.R. is right and we'll only win one every 50 years, but we have everything in the world to be proud of right now.
| DrewDewce
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| #12 Posted on 25.2.02 0813.00 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0821.36 | I must also throw my congrats to the Canadians. It was a very exciting game, and it's nice to see a country that is so obviously passionate about the sport take the gold. Honestly, most of us in the U.S. who are just casual hockey fans would have forgotten about it in a few days, but this will be something Canada will likely be talking about for decades, unless it becomes routine maybe ;-)
drew2 | The Goon
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| #13 Posted on 25.2.02 0857.59 Reposted on: 25.2.09 0859.01 | Well, it was inevitable we were going to win:
We had Dairy Queen on our side. | Net Hack Slasher
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| #14 Posted on 25.2.02 1807.04 Reposted on: 25.2.09 1808.48 | God I'm so happy for Wayne Gretzky. Seeing him up there nervously watching, made me nervous. If Canada lost they better have a suicide watch on Gretz and keep him away from any shower rods
I've never seen the country like this, from coast to coast celebrating. This is huge.
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