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6.2.18 2349
The 7 - Hockey - USA defeats Russia
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#1 Posted on 22.2.02 1927.48
Reposted on: 22.2.09 1929.03
What a great game. Going down to the last second face off like that. The cannucks are going down in the final.

(edited by TheBucsFan on 22.2.02 2028)
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#2 Posted on 22.2.02 2048.47
Reposted on: 22.2.09 2049.22

    The cannucks are going down in the final.

and if not, wayne-o can blame those mean american fans for not rooting for beloved team canada.
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#3 Posted on 23.2.02 0048.31
Reposted on: 23.2.09 0049.49
That game was awesome, one of the best games I ever seen. The Russians tried to mount a big time comeback, but some amazing saves by Mike Richter (who apparently found his groove from 1994) saved the U.S.

Too bad they'll lose to the mighty Canadian team. (Can you guess who I'm cheering for?)
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#4 Posted on 23.2.02 0757.02
Reposted on: 23.2.09 0759.02
I wish the NHL would adopt the bigger ring the Olympics uses. It makes the game so much more exciting. Unfortunately, the league wouldn't want to give up the seats they would have to remove to make the ice larger.
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