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The 7 - Basketball - Michael Jordan, team owner?
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Big Bad
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#1 Posted on 29.6.03 1837.46
Reposted on: 29.6.10 1837.56
A couple of months ago, I heard a buddy of mine say that MJ and Tiger Woods were going to pool their money and buy a majority share of the Milwaukee Bucks. I laughed, since my buddy is usually full of crap on his "inside info."

Imagine my surprise, then, when I heard a couple of days ago that Jordan was close to buying the Bucks. This story on Yahoo seems to imply that it won't happen Click Here (

Perhaps some more NBA-savvy people can fill me in on this. Was there talk of Jordan moving the team or something?
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Texas Kelly
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#2 Posted on 29.6.03 2209.30
Reposted on: 29.6.10 2213.22
There certainly was... the rumor was that Jordan wanted to sign Kobe after he walks away from the Lakers after next year (BWAHAHAHAHA!!!) and then move the team to Las Vegas. Not only has the team decided not to sell to Jordan, but the team is now in fact off the market.

Conventional wisdom says that Jordan now turns his eyes towards the GM position in Charlotte.
Polska kielbasa
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#3 Posted on 29.6.03 2325.06
Reposted on: 29.6.10 2325.29
Jordan was intrested with a group to chip in and buy the team but it looks like it has fallen apart. The whole draft on thursday was intrupted my tons of MJ Bucks rummors even one that said MJ would be making the picks that night. Right now MJ is out and the Bucks are not for sale.
Big Bad
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#4 Posted on 30.6.03 1336.49
Reposted on: 30.6.10 1359.02
I thought that the NBA nixed the idea of a team in Vegas, since the gambling influence would be too strong. Also, a compulsive gambler like Jordan might explode in such constant exposure to the casinos.

(edited by Big Bad on 6.7.03 1452)
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#5 Posted on 30.6.03 1838.37
Reposted on: 30.6.10 1838.44
From what I understand, Herb Kohl, nixed any sale unless the team would be staying in Milwaukee.

The local "buzz" is that he wants out of the basketball 'biz, but he wants to make sure Milwaukee isn't left high & dry without a franchise...
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