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#1 Posted on 28.8.17 2255.44
Reposted on: 28.8.24 2255.45
Rest in peace, Roman Reigns, a man eaten alive by John Cena on tonight's show. Roman was busy suffocating on his own failed attempt to take shots at Cena, and Cena killing him may have been an act of mercy. Cena calling Reigns promos half-decent was a Mr. Perfect level over sell, and I am not sure the anointed star of the company being verbally flayed will help WWE, but it was a thing to see.

Speaking of failed acts, Sasha Banks lost the title in her first defense again and they're moving right onto to Nia challenging Bliss.

Enzo versus Noam Dor was on this show.

(edited by thecubsfan on 28.8.17 2256)
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#2 Posted on 28.8.17 2304.22
Reposted on: 28.8.24 2304.22
Miz throwing pipe bombs last week and now Reigns & Cena tossing them back and forth at each other tonite.

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#3 Posted on 28.8.17 2316.57
Reposted on: 28.8.24 2317.23
I know I'm in the minority here, but I really didn't think Roman's promo (after the stall) was all that bad. John Cena denying he has a Golden Shovel is also a lie. The shovel is the microphone and the liberties he takes when ripping apart his opponents. He's done it and gotten away with it for years and it has stalled a lot of talented guys who have gotten in it's path. Luckily for Roman he has a higher standing than Cesaro or Rusev when they ran through the Cena buzzsaw. Promos are not Roman's strength, but nobody stands in a ring and looks around a ring like a badass quite like him. So, I don't think Roman was as bad or Cena was as good as most people, but I agree that having him go out there in this type of setting was a curious idea.

Also, for the first time I couldn't get over how old Cena is looking. I mean if you walked into the room and saw a 40 year old in that get up pacing back and forth talking street in a Jim Carey voice ... Anderson and Gallows might of had the right of it, NEEEERRD

The Sasha can't defend the title successfully story could be interesting if they follow it through ... and I fully endorse one more Jeff Hardy singles run.

(edited by BigDaddyLoco on 29.8.17 0027)
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#4 Posted on 29.8.17 0701.23
Reposted on: 29.8.24 0702.29
I'm down for one more Jeff Hardy run.

Poor Sasha. She and Bayley both need to get Superstar Shuffled over to SD (in exchange for Naomi and Becky maybe) so they can start again.
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#5 Posted on 29.8.17 0733.54
Reposted on: 29.8.24 0733.54
I feel like people like Alexa and Naomi are the reason we had a revolution. I hate this whole Sasha can't defend the title storyline. They have done everything in their power to almost bury the Four Horsewomen since after Mania. I have zero faith in the Mae Young classic women.

Cena was always going to bury Reigns. Cena at this point is Hogan in 1993. He had one great match with AJ a year ago and we have been rewriting his history since. Reigns needs to win the match in almost decisive manner.

(edited by lotjx on 29.8.17 0734)
Matt Tracker
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#6 Posted on 29.8.17 0920.31
Reposted on: 29.8.24 0920.46
This is why we need to bring back managers. Not every main-event hoss can be an exceptional orator, and virtually everyone is going to lose an off-the-cuff promo against Cena. Reigns had little chance to come out even in an extended, slo-mo rap battle, and he stumbled, and Cena pounced.

And in doing so, Cena became a hypocrite. You can't say you don't bury new guys when you tear into one for blanking in front of the crowd. I did theatre for 15 years. I've been there. It's petrifying, but I never had some else onstage call me on it IN FRONT OF THE AUDIENCE. Reigns doesn't have Cena's gift of gab. Cena knows that, and Cena (probably) doesn't get a script as thick as Reigns's for that segment.

Cena had two options in that moment:

1) Bolster the angle by helping Reigns; or
2) Bolster the angle by exposing Reigns.

He went for the jugular, and Reigns couldn't respond. Does that prove Cena right that Reigns can't do what Cena does? Few can. It's a high standard to set for the new guys. And "suffering succotash" doesn't help.

Meanwhile Heyman is getting cut off by Brock. and any time that guy says more than ten words its a crapshoot, but he's been the top champ for four months.

Get Reigns a manager if he's expected to stand near a mic for 10 minutes. Help your boy out.
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#7 Posted on 29.8.17 0921.17
Reposted on: 29.8.24 0921.20
    Originally posted by BigDaddyLoco
    John Cena denying he has a Golden Shovel is also a lie. The shovel is the microphone and the liberties he takes when ripping apart his opponents. He's done it and gotten away with it for years and it has stalled a lot of talented guys who have gotten in it's path. Luckily for Roman he has a higher standing than Cesaro or Rusev when they ran through the Cena buzzsaw.

Not only that but Cena sabotages other wrestlers' promos, especially The Miz, which we just saw last week. The Miz was cutting another one of his excellent promos and Cena was making goofy faces and stupid jokes and acting like he's in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. He completely undermined the seriousness of Miz's promo. It was like a verbal version of HBK overselling for Hulk Hogan except Cena does this all the damn time instead of just once. So yeah, Cena CAN talk on the mic but he spends most of his mic time burying people so I don't think that's actually being "good on the mic".

I guess I'm in the minority here but I was over Jeff Hardy as a singles wrestler like a decade ago. I also was against them coming back and I feel pretty good about that stance since their comeback has let to nothing of note.
Dr Unlikely
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#8 Posted on 29.8.17 0948.02
Reposted on: 29.8.24 0948.18
Raw #1266: The Assassination of Roman Reigns by the Phony John Cena

There's a lot about that Reigns/Cena segment to not like. On the most basic level, what purpose does it serve to bring aging part-timer John Cena in to brutally assassinate the guy you've wasted three consecutive WrestleMania Main Events on, the guy you've wasted retiring the Undertaker on, the guy you've wasted the entire roster (minus Brock and Cena) on, the guy you may well be wasting yet another WrestleMania and the career of Brock Lesnar on? Beyond that, you have two guys doing some Vince Russo-ass "this is a shoot, brother!" shit on each other. And you have two guys who are hated for being hand-picked, forced-down-our-throats golden boys each trying to undercut the other for being a hand-picked, forced-down-our-throat golden boy.

And, in the way he often is, Cena is full of shit with his promos where someone breaks character to lay out why everyone got tired of Cena, but Cena uses his Special Ability of going last to say "Actually, no" which wins because the other person isn't allowed to refute his points. Like, Cena can say he hasn't main evented a WrestleMania in x years, but at the same time, they blocked out how long for him to do a worked shoot marriage angle with his girlfriend for their other TV show where he also got to say "I could have been wrestling Undertaker if I wanted to, by the way." And he can bring up the US Title Challenge as him "making" guys, but in truth, that entire run was Cena burnishing his legacy by filling out his career with great matches against the greatest workers in the world, all of whom, by the way, are still fighting over that same belt two years later while the guy he eventually put over was Alberto Del Rio.


"I'm still here because you can't do your job!"

Holy shiiiit. Headshot. Fatality. John Cena is a damn murderer, and Braun Stroman should have backed up an ambulance by the ramp right after that line, because that is the most brutally efficient, most savage thing anyone has ever said in a wrestling promo in the history of this great business.

I mean, damn. DAMN.

When he wants to be, when he's motivated, when he cares in the slightest and has a point he wants to make and absolutely does not care what it does to the guy on the receiving end, Cena is a world-class knockout artist, a terrifying, world killer with no conscience on the microphone who can just casually annihilate anyone he feels like it at his whim.

And he just straight murdered Roman Reigns. Pre-meditated murder, too, because I don't know what else you can call him zinging Reigns when Roman stumbled during his first rebuttal before delivering that haymaker. Roman just standing there, with zero expression instead of firing up or getting mad or acting incredulous or something, while Cena eviscerated him was actually hard to watch. There's one guy in the entire world who can stand toe-to-toe with Unchained Cena, and Roman Reigns just proved that a CM Punk he will never be.

I have zero idea what you do with Reigns after this. He has to kill Cena now if you intend to keep him as the "top guy". Like, he has to mangle Cena, he has to run him over with a car and either mount him on the hood or drag him around behind it through Survivor Series to even start to recover from that.

Is it good for business? Is it super weird that No Mercy is going to have a vastly better card than WrestleMania will? I don't know, I don't work here. But damn.

(For all the strange and wrestling-ly problematic reasons above, that killshot line aside, I still rate Cena's promo during the infamous Championship Ascension Ceremony Raw back in 2013 as Cena's greatest wrestling promo and his entry into the all-time wordrate club. Obviously, John Cena announcing that Osama Bin Laden had been caught and compromised to a permanent end is his greatest promo of all time, followed by John Cena: Love Has No Labels as a close #2. Let me say again, John Cena The Wrestler will eternally frustrate me for what he could have been, but John Cena The Human Being is a confounding, fascinating enigma with layers and layers who I don't think any of us can ever hope to truly understand in our short times on this earth.)
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#9 Posted on 29.8.17 1229.04
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1229.14
    Originally posted by Dr Unlikely
    There's one guy in the entire world who can stand toe-to-toe with Unchained Cena, and Roman Reigns just proved that a CM Punk he will never be.

I don't know about this. Dean Ambrose had his chance to go toe-to-toe with Cena last year on Smackdown and he more than held his own. That gave us the "You're just the guy who plays John Cena on TV" line.
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#10 Posted on 29.8.17 1249.07
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1249.25
The Reigns/Cena promo was great. If there's been any push I've wanted Cena to straight up murder, it's been the Roman Reigns push. Do it, John. Then go be Knight Rider.

Whatever poison people say Cena injected into Dolph Ziggler 5 years ago, I hope there's enough left for Reigns. John Cena is the hero we need and deserve right now.

Roman Reigns is a work-in-progress who's destiny it is to be a work-in-progress forever. Kill it. Kill it dead. Inject that lethal dose of poison into him and save WWE forever.

You could've had Quentin Tarantino writing Roman Reigns' lines (uncensored) last night and had Cena forced to only communicate in non-syllabic grunts and Reigns still would have looked bad.

Obviously, Vince is crazy if he's thinking Reigns was ever going to walk out of a direct confrontation with Cena looking good, and Vince very likely is insane, and it's the stupidest thing in the world to not save this program for WrestleMania. Where Cena should kill Roman for number 17.

However, speaking of WrestleMania, with the booking of both these matches for (fucking) No Mercy, it's extremely clear right now that Brock/Reigns is the 100% locked in committed destination, barring some miracle push for Balor or Rollins.

So, Reigns doesn't really have much to worry about. He's been given every single opportunity for the most flattering moments in wrestling history.

Forget Cena making Reigns look bad, what about every time Reigns has been made to look good?

He's repeatedly being rejected by the white blood cells that are the WWE Universe, he will be rejected after the Cena match, just like he was after killing the Undertaker, and he will be rejected after the Brock match at WrestleMania.

Reigns is DOA for the Cena feud, and you can't blame (nor see) Cena.

(edited by SKLOKAZOID on 29.8.17 1057)
Reverend J Shaft
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#11 Posted on 29.8.17 1347.18
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1347.18
    Originally posted by SKLOKAZOID
    Inject that lethal dose of poison into him...

You know what Mr. McMahon COULD do?...
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#12 Posted on 29.8.17 1403.01
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1403.02
The WWE has to stop with these 'worked shoot' promos. Yeah, Cena's a good talker and what not, but this doesn't help anyone or to sell the match. Maybe I'm getting old or have changed my tune a lot since going to a live event with my friend's son, but all this stuff goes over the heads of anyone under 13, who they are allegedly marketing towards.
These kids look at Roman and Cena as superheroes and guys that don't give up. They couldn't care less about who's supposed to be the next face of RAW or that Cena has to go do a cooking segment with Kelly Ripa.

Imagine if you did the Brock/Braun build like this, where Brock mocked Braun about being the 4th guy in the Wyatt family and Braun the next week brought up how Heyman has to do all his talking for him cause he can't cut a promo and his failed Vikings tryout. When I watch Brock and Braun do their thing, I'm amazed that they are on the same show as these two.

Plus it isn't that hard to figure out who will win this match. One guy is sticking around and the other is shooting a Transformers movie with the chick from the Starving video. Even if John Cena basically beat on Roman for 10 minutes with his penis, you know the next night, Roman will be out there in the main event, spearing and Superman punching someone. Wins and loses have meant nothing for quite some time now.
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#13 Posted on 29.8.17 1409.53
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1409.54
    Originally posted by DirtyMikeSeaver
    Plus it isn't that hard to figure out who will win this match. One guy is sticking around and the other is shooting a Transformers movie with the chick from the Starving video. Even if John Cena basically beat on Roman for 10 minutes with his penis, you know the next night, Roman will be out there in the main event, spearing and Superman punching someone. Wins and loses have meant nothing for quite some time now.

It especially doesn't matter since it's September. Even if Reigns loses, that just means it's the start of a long term feud where he beats Cena in the end (like the last 2 years of Cena feuds, only reversed).

What really matters is what Reigns is doing around the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. We're in the low point of the year for WWE and I'm sure they're doing these matches to give themselves a little boost just before they lose people for the rest of 2017.

It's just like when they did Cena-Brock at Night of Champions in 2014 to try and hold those Network subscribers before they started leaving after their 6 month commitment.

It's kind of an artificial tentpole month where they're hotshotting some things.

(edited by SKLOKAZOID on 29.8.17 1210)
J. Kyle
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#14 Posted on 29.8.17 1451.25
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1451.26
    Originally posted by Dr Unlikely
    Raw #1266: The Assassination of Roman Reigns by the Phony John Cena

    And he can bring up the US Title Challenge as him "making" guys, but in truth, that entire run was Cena burnishing his legacy by filling out his career with great matches against the greatest workers in the world, all of whom, by the way, are still fighting over that same belt two years later while the guy he eventually put over was Alberto Del Rio.
Who two years previously he had completely buried by murdering his gimmick.

Alberto: I am here and you will respect me you peasant!
Cena: LOL those are rental cars.

I prefer Bliss as champion but the women's division is stuck in a perpetual 50/50 booking even starker and more brutally obvious than when it's done to the men because there aren't enough women to have a division on two shows and the women don't have a BROCK or Cena. Even Nia is 50/50 against Banks and Bailey, and even if she goes over strong at No Mercy she's 0-45 against Asuka in NXT and will probably be fed to her again.

So the guess the answer is Asuka, until we get to Raw Asuka being like NXT where she's beaten everyone and everything and everyone else is a bunch of chumps. Though it might be worse because the booking is better in NXT.
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#15 Posted on 29.8.17 1558.57
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1559.01
have to come out of exile to say John Cena is my boy and Roman is a trash pee failure who should literally die and be dead. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL u suk bitch
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#16 Posted on 29.8.17 1759.49
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1759.52
    Originally posted by JustinShapiro
    have to come out of exile to say John Cena is my boy and Roman is a trash pee failure who should literally die and be dead. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL u suk bitch

Thanks for coming, Justin.
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#17 Posted on 29.8.17 1847.09
Reposted on: 29.8.24 1847.12
    Originally posted by J. Kyle
      Originally posted by Dr Unlikely
      Raw #1266: The Assassination of Roman Reigns by the Phony John Cena

      I prefer Bliss as champion but the women's division is stuck in a perpetual 50/50 booking even starker and more brutally obvious than when it's done to the men because there aren't enough women to have a division on two shows and the women don't have a BROCK or Cena. Even Nia is 50/50 against Banks and Bailey, and even if she goes over strong at No Mercy she's 0-45 against Asuka in NXT and will probably be fed to her again.

      So the guess the answer is Asuka, until we get to Raw Asuka being like NXT where she's beaten everyone and everything and everyone else is a bunch of chumps. Though it might be worse because the booking is better in NXT.

    I honestly think they are going to put the belt on Jax and have her kill everyone so Asuka can be the one to beat her to kick off a long reign most likely ending in her vs Charlotte
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#18 Posted on 29.8.17 2117.52
Reposted on: 29.8.24 2118.04
    Originally posted by Quezzy
    Not only that but Cena sabotages other wrestlers' promos, especially The Miz, which we just saw last week. The Miz was cutting another one of his excellent promos and Cena was making goofy faces and stupid jokes and acting like he's in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. He completely undermined the seriousness of Miz's promo.

Didn't HHH used to do pretty much the same thing?

Someone would be giving a very serious promo at him and HHH would no sell it by smiling and laughing and not take the guy seriously at all.
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#19 Posted on 29.8.17 2247.44
Reposted on: 29.8.24 2247.56
    Originally posted by Kevintripod
      Originally posted by Quezzy
      Not only that but Cena sabotages other wrestlers' promos, especially The Miz, which we just saw last week. The Miz was cutting another one of his excellent promos and Cena was making goofy faces and stupid jokes and acting like he's in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. He completely undermined the seriousness of Miz's promo.

    Didn't HHH used to do pretty much the same thing?

    Someone would be giving a very serious promo at him and HHH would no sell it by smiling and laughing and not take the guy seriously at all.
Triple H did the same thing to Cena when they first feuded in '06, John learned from the master.
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#20 Posted on 30.8.17 0823.50
Reposted on: 30.8.24 0824.33
    Originally posted by lotjx
      Originally posted by JustinShapiro
      have to come out of exile to say John Cena is my boy and Roman is a trash pee failure who should literally die and be dead. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL u suk bitch

    Thanks for coming, Justin.

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