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| #1 Posted on 30.1.18 0746.01 Reposted on: 30.1.25 0746.01 | Asuka/Sasha should have main evented instead of Cena who seemingly bored beating Finn. No one believes Cena won't be at Mania if he lost. The rest of the show was just there. As fun and exciting as the Royal was, this is a fairly boring show minus Sasha/Asuka. I will say I'm about done with this Asuka undefeated streak. It's starting to make matches a bit boring. I also think giving Asuka the belt needs to happen sooner since Alexa is an after thought and doesn't even wrestle anymore.
(edited by lotjx on 30.1.18 0746) Promote this thread! |  | BigDaddyLoco
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| #2 Posted on 30.1.18 0756.42 Reposted on: 30.1.25 0758.31 | The WWE just put on three very good shows in three consecutive days. I’ll take that.
| PowerPB13
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| #3 Posted on 30.1.18 1003.49 Reposted on: 30.1.25 1004.10 | I will accept my Sasha Banks Fanboy membership with a smile on my face. Ironwoman performance in the Rumble and then that great match with Asuka. The dive scared me though. | Matt Tracker
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| #4 Posted on 30.1.18 1014.35 Reposted on: 30.1.25 1014.35 | Cena wasn't bored. He was resolved. Resolved to get another shot at Mania when the crowd favored Finn. He had his moment of doubt when Balor kicked out of the AA. Maybe his time was now longer now. It took the death variant of the finisher to beat Balor, and the obligatory Mania Point was turned into a rationale and an apology. Dude told a story last night. Let's appreciate that.
There are two things I hope for Rousey, and one supersedes the other. First, I hope being a wrestler gives her a healthier mindset than MMA. She approached the latter as life and death, and her reaction to losing to Holm was bad and dangerous. I appreciate her competitiveness, but it went beyond that. It was desperate. She doesn't have to carry that with wrestling. She has a golden ticket to instant stardom in wrestling. She can and should enjoy it.
Second, I hope she brings it. Her Rumble demeanor was slack, and her interviews after were weak. UFC showed she can sell an attitude. Now she has to sell a character. Can she be anything oncamera other than Walking Death? Because that doesn't seem to be what she's going for in the WWE.
Welcome back, Coachman. Graves and Cole suggested Booker T would be the 205 commish, and no no no.
Holy crap, Sasha almost broke her head last night. | Quezzy
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| #5 Posted on 30.1.18 1035.34 Reposted on: 30.1.25 1036.16 | I don't mind that Sasha and Asuka were in the second hour because to the WWE the second hour is the main event. They always put their biggest match at the end of the second hour. It's no secret they just throw garbage out there the third hour, the fact that we actually got Finn/Cena in the third hour was surprising in a good way. Sasha is great and I hoped she was going to win. I don't think the streak matters anymore, they've waited too long to pull the trigger on ending it.
I'm as big a Balor fan as anybody, but the crowd didn't give a shit that Balor was wrestling Cena for a shot at the Elimination Chamber. They cared more about a beach ball. The crowd didn't get into until Cena started playing to them. I'd love to see Balor get a push and win the title but if you're Vince sitting backstage watching that match then the conclusion you'd come to is the fans don't care about Balor and Cena gets a reaction. So I guess I can't blame them that Cena will be in the Elimination Chamber over Balor.
Alexa Bliss is defending her title in Elimination Chamber but Brock isn't? So teeny tiny Bliss is a better competitor than Brock? That's not a good look. | andy1278
Bockwurst Level: 54
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| #6 Posted on 31.1.18 0753.35 Reposted on: 31.1.25 0753.57 | Sasha is my favorite wrestler, but I need them to stop her from doing those dives before she breaks her neck.
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