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| #1 Posted on 6.3.17 1836.12 Reposted on: 6.3.24 1836.44 | Alright, the Switch is out. Anyone else out there get one?
I got mine on launch day, as has become my Nintendo fanboy tradition since the launch. It is barebones right now for sure and needs SOMETHING - at least get some Netflix on there - but I'm all in just for the Zelda. And Zelda is amazing.
Besides being amazing, I took the Switch in my car for the 40 minutes or so I waited to pick up my daughter from school on launch day and played a full-fledged beautiful Zelda. Love.
Also Snipperclips is entirely worth it. Promote this thread! | | KJames199
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| #2 Posted on 20.3.17 1527.17 Reposted on: 20.3.24 1529.01 | After a string of buying Nintendo handhelds at launch, I skipped the Switch. It looks like it will be an excellent system someday and I might get it then. But I already have more to play than I'll ever get to in this lifetime.
(This is not to say I might not do something unwise if I stumble across them at Best Buy with a few gift cards in my pocket.) | Spaceman Spiff
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| #3 Posted on 20.3.17 2154.28 Reposted on: 20.3.24 2159.01 | I was on the fence about pre-ordering one at launch, but not a Zelda player so decided against it. Def going to try to track one down when Splatoon 2 gets released, though. | wmatistic
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| #4 Posted on 23.3.17 0804.54 Reposted on: 23.3.24 0805.09 | I wasn't going to, but then I read the Zelda reviews and the wife surprised me by trying to get one. Ended up getting lucky and snagging one on Amazon Prime Now the Sunday after launch.
So far, I love it. I don't know how much of that is Zelda being awesome, but I'm playing it more then I've played anything in a long time, mostly due to how portable it is. I never took full advantage of the Wii U being able to play some games on just the controller, but with this I'm on it pretty much every night. Take my kid to soccer practice, sit on the sideline playing Zelda. Dinner out, he brings it and we played that snipping game against each other.
So yeah, it needs more games, but I like it so far. The battery life could be better, but that's to be expected. | Dutchie
Kolbasz Moderator Level: 50
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| #5 Posted on 1.4.17 1953.25 Reposted on: 1.4.24 1953.29 | Finally managed to get a Switch from GameStop. All we have so far is Zelda, 1 2 Switch and the Shovel Knight bundle, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on preorder. I've never been much of a Zelda fan (don't hate me), but this one is my new favorite besides Skyward Sword.
1 2 Switch is complicated if you have terrible reaction times and coordination, but it's still fun. The hardest thing for me with that is NOT looking at the screen. If it ever stops raining, it'll be fun to take that game outside for more space.
The portability is awesome. We just bought the PS4 Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remix, so we kind of bounce back and forth between that and the Switch, but are still in the same room while we both play. Makes life easier. | KJames199
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| #6 Posted on 28.12.17 1147.35 Reposted on: 28.12.24 1147.35 | Got a Switch! Got no games. Got any recommendations? | andy1278
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| #7 Posted on 28.12.17 1705.33 Reposted on: 28.12.24 1707.39 | Yes!
First, one to avoid - WWE 2K18. I overpaid to the get the deluxe edition because I'm an idiot. They released the game basically unfinished with framerate issues that make anything beyond 2 vs 2 unbearable and entrances that don't match up with the music (Miz's "Awesome!" yell happens about 20 seconds before we get around to seeing it on the Tron). Still hoping for a patch. I kind of thought we'd have a patch by now, but I'm starting to think this was their effort to make sure they don't have to make future Switch editions.
Good games:
Mario Odyssey, of course. Great game with a crazy amount of moons to find, over half of them after you "beat" the game.
Zelda. I got it on launch day and still haven't beaten it because there's just so much to see and do and discover roaming around the massive world. I can still sit and play for an hour or two at a time and find something new.
Mario Kart Deluxe, Rayman Legends, and Lego City - I missed all of these on the Wii U because my console died. They work well here. Mario Kart is great on the go and Rayman is just a great platformer. If you like Lego games where you collect 9,000 studs, you'll like Lego City.
Snipperclips - Fun little $20 download. Lots of puzzles to figure out. I haven't tried the new DLC add-on yet.
Sonic Mania - Old school Sonic in a new package. Surprisingly cheap download as well. Best Sonic in years. (Also playing through Sonic Forces right now, it seems like it plays the game for you too much.)
Puyo Puyo Tetris - It's Tetris, it's fun (plus the Puyo Puyo thing which doesn't mean much to me, but it's the Candy Crush-style certain amount of the same object in a row thing).
Little Inferno - Another Wii U repeat. I actually bought this one on both systems. A fun time waster.
There are about 20 games with free demos in the eShop right now, so check 'em out. I've played several other demos that seem like fun but just haven't made it into my loaded stack of games already yet.
(edited by andy1278 on 29.12.17 1817) | Dutchie
Kolbasz Moderator Level: 50
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| #8 Posted on 29.12.17 1036.59 Reposted on: 29.12.24 1038.02 |
Second the recommendation of Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda, and Sonic. I'd also add Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. I love turn-based fighting games, it's funny, the graphics are amazing, and there are co-op levels. There are puzzles and areas to explore between each battle, and challenge battles once you beat a level. There's definitely a lot of game play.
We also splurged on Rocket League. We already own it on the PS4, but it was cheap so having it on 2 systems isn't a bad thing. I believe there's a cross-platform online mode for Switch and Xbox too.
We also got Overcooked recently just to have another co-op game. Basically, it's like all of the mobile device cooking games, but you actually have to do things and move around, instead of just tap on them. It is way more difficult than I thought it would be, but it's actually pretty fun.
I dislike Mario Kart 8 because there are ridiculously too many blue, 7 in one race too many. If you're in the lead, you get mostly coins and the occasional banana peel. Yes, I'm whiny.
And I still suck at 1-2 Switch. That hasn't improved.
| KJames199
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| #9 Posted on 4.1.18 2309.56 Reposted on: 4.1.25 2309.58 | (deleted by KJames199 on 6.1.18 2147) | KJames199
Scrapple Moderator Level: 136
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| #10 Posted on 4.1.18 2309.56 Reposted on: 4.1.25 2310.03 | (deleted by KJames199 on 6.1.18 2147) | KJames199
Scrapple Moderator Level: 136
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| #11 Posted on 4.1.18 2309.58 Reposted on: 4.1.25 2310.06 | Thanks all!
So far I got Golf Story based on Cubs' Twitter recommendation, VS. Mario Bros because that was one of my favourites as a kid, and Stardew Valley because Santa brought it for my wife for Xbox One and she has not let me use the TV ever since so it seemed like a solid choice. And I see there's a Pic-a-Pix game so I might need that.
There are four big-dollar games that I'll need - Mario Odyssey, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Splatoon 2. Those will have to wait until Xmas bills are paid off.
Will avoid WWE 2K18. But if Fire Pro Wrestling World ever comes to the Switch you may never see me again. (didja see it's getting licensed NJPW guys?)
I'll have to check what there is for demos. I've heard a lot of good things about Mario + Rabbids but don't know if it would be up my alley. That might be one to try first.
I played 1-2-Switch with little kids and they crushed and emasculated me. To be expected, really. |
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