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14.2.18 1501
The 7 - Pro Wrestling - Introducing the official Smackdown Top 10 List Register and log in to post!
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Lap cheong
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#1 Posted on 30.1.18 1527.51
Reposted on: 30.1.25 1527.55
Yeah, I don't know if this is going to be a good thing. Seems kinda lame to me. Might depend on how they utilize it.

The gist, per

The SmackDown Top 10 List is a new way for the Superstars on SmackDown LIVE to show Bryan and Commissioner Shane McMahon who is most deserving of future opportunities.

This week, the men and women of Team Blue will vote on who they think is the best on Tuesday nights. Criteria to consider includes:

*overall talent
*locker room leadership
*athletic skill
Bryan did note that there are some ground rules, though. Neither he nor McMahon will be voting, and no Superstar can vote for himself or herself.
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Matt Tracker
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#2 Posted on 30.1.18 1541.25
Reposted on: 30.1.25 1541.43
I loved WCW's top ten rankings back in the day. It made each match matter.
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#3 Posted on 30.1.18 1835.36
Reposted on: 30.1.25 1838.30
Yeah, I don't know how this will work exactly but if I do my best to put a positive spin on it I'd say it's different than anything they are doing on Raw and I think that's a positive. Heck they probably should have put the Mixed Match Classic on Smackdown too. Just do anything to make it different.
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#4 Posted on 30.1.18 1910.39
Reposted on: 30.1.25 1913.05
I am very pro this. Even if it’s just a kayfabe list, it’s one of those rare instances where I think WWE spelling things out for the audience is a good thing. I really liked it in WCW back in the day, as well.
Big Bad
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#5 Posted on 2.2.18 2041.13
Reposted on: 2.2.25 2044.15
This is where you need another Dibiase-esque heel to pay off the other heels to vote him #1 on the rankings.
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