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18.1.18 1354
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#1 Posted on 3.1.18 2220.31
Reposted on: 3.1.25 2221.21
I know I'm a few weeks late on this but my wife and I finally had a chance to watch the last two episodes just before the year expired so I can definitively say this and Legion were my two favorite shows of 2017 with credit going to Fargo, Black Sails, and the Good Place rounding out the top 5 and honorable mention going to Agents of SHIELD for being fun and intense. Sadly our backlog is growing so there are plenty of shows we've missed, but I'll write about them when we get to them.

Anyway, I last said that this show was reminding me of Star Wars, and then Esmail goes and puts an "I'm your father" moment in, and it all starts to click a bit more.

I didn't have Price as Vader (if anything he seems more of a Count Dooku, working with the Emperor only to be betrayed by him over his protege, and also the beard), but the reveal that he's (allegedly) Angela's father does throw things into a bit of a spiral. Does this make Angela the Luke character? I think that she and Elliot share that role together (maybe she's the Leia and Elliot is still Luke, although I can't imaginge Price would also be his father.) It will be interesting to see if Price is now putting together a rebellion against White Rose, where Angela will be key. I still think that White Rose's technology is going to work and Price is either skeptical or lying, but we'll have to see.

But when Price said "I'm your father," what struck me most was that Esmail was flat out saying, "This season was the Empire Strikes Back year," which it totally was. As Angela is dealing with her parentage, we have the rest of our heroes captured by the bad guys with seemingly no way out.


Poor, poor Dom. I so wanted you to meet Elliot and the two of you to take down the Dark Army together. I still think you will, but that was heartbreaking when she screamed at Darlene that she had lost everything. And she didn't have to. I thought Dom put it together when she handed over her personnel report to the agent who wasn't expecting it, and instead she got punked out in a garage. That guy had Irving's axe coming to him, but now Dom is compromised and I think she's going to struggle at first until in the final season she realizes she can take them down from the inside and works with Elliot to do so. She's clearly the Han of our saga, ending the season as the one person still captured by the bad guys. She's not frozen in carbonite, but she might as well be since she won't be helping out anytime soon.

If Price is Vader, then I misread the relationship between Mr. Robot and Elliot. Mr. Robot isn't Vader. He's Obi Wan. He even dies midway through season 1 (when we find out he's Elliot's dead father) and has been posthumously mentoring Elliot all this time. The conversations he had with Elliot at the end of the episode (part of you is in me) is very much Elliot completing his training. He's learning to work with the Mr. Robot part of himself, and together, the two of them will be way more powerful.

I fully expected Darlene to get shot in the post-credits sequence. I guess its nice that they set up that Shayla's drug dealing piece of shit boyfriend is back. This seems like its going to be a nice distraction for Elliot and Mr. Robot to work on next season (at least the first few episodes) before they get back to the Elliot vs. Dark Army plot in full. To me, this feels like the Jabba's palace part of Return of the Jedi. They won't rescue Dom, but they'll get the team working together again to deal with whatever crap this is.

Will Irving be back from his sabbatical? His arc seemed complete, like he was there to recruit Dom and then be done. I don't know how Bobby Cannavale has become one of my favorite actors lately, but between this, Master of None, and Ant-Man, he's been on a roll these last few years.

There are way more easter eggs and hints that I missed. The time travel references and alternate universe references are peppered throughout the season so I have to think White Rose is going to do something fantastic. At any rate, I'll be looking forward to season 4, which I presume would be later this year.
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