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The W - Pro Wrestling - 2011 WWE PPV Prediction Results
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Post (16 total)

Since: 26.1.03
From: Naples, FL

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.63

Hard to believe this is the 8th year I've been keeping track of the predictions for WWE PPVs here on The-W. Below you'll find the results of this year's prediction contest (which ran from Elimination Chamber 2011 to Royal Rumble 2012). Really happy with the turnout this year, as I think we had a record number of people who predicted all 13 PPVs.

Just one request for future prediction threads: I only count wins and losses here, so if you post something like "Cena retains" rather than the actual result, in the past, I've assumed that you mean Cena wins and retains rather than Cena retains but may lose by DQ. To make things clearer in the future, if you could put something like "Cena wins and retains," it'd help me out a lot.

Also, if for whatever reason you have any issues with these results (like you may feel I missed a PPV you predicted or if my math is off or something), I'd appreciate it if you'd take it up with me in PM rather than cluttering the thread with that stuff. Gracias!

If you're familiar with the rankings, feel free to skip this next section. If you're a newbie, here's some C&P'ing from last year's thread to explain how I do my thing:

I split the results into three categories based on the number of PPVs guessed. The top level is for those who guess between 6-13 PPVs; the middle level is for those who guessed 4 and 5; and finally, the lower level is for those who guessed 1-3. Since I don't think it would be fair for someone who guessed only one PPV and went 4-0 to win the title, I arbitrarily made the decision to make only those who guessed between 6-13 eligible for the big prize. It also encourages people to predict more PPVs. If you are atop the other two levels, you can also proclaim yourself winner of that level at least, even if it's not the overall crown.

Last year's thread:

Past winners include: OMEGA, Torchslasher, kentish, hhhgamewmx7, Shem the Penman, and Big Bad.

Level One
1. Big G: 36-14 (72%) (8 PPVs predicted)
2. Big Bad: 37-17 (68.5%) (9)
3. kentish: 39-21 (65%) (10)
4. Tribal Prophet: 27-15 (64.3%) (7)
5. Moss: 34-19 (64.2%) (9)
6. shawnpatrick: 24-14 (63.2%) (6)
7. Amos Cochran: 41-24 (63.1%) (12)
8. John Orquiola: 48-31 (60.8%) (13)
9. Hokienautic: 30-20 (60%) (8)
10. Torchslasher: 31-21 (59.6%) (9)
11. geemoney: 48-33 (59.3%) (13)
12. Captaincuba: 35-24 (59.3%) (9)
13. It’s False: 48-34 (58.6%) (13)
14. Above Average 1: 24-17 (58.5%) (7)
15. saturn93: 21-15 (58.3%) (6)
16. Excalibur05: 45-33 (57.7%) (13)
17. Peter The Hegemon: 46-34 (57.5%) (13)
18. Praline: 44-34 (56.4%) (13)
19. ekedolphin: 31-24 (56.4%) (9)
20. KJames199: 33-26 (55.9%) (10)
21. Niki: 45-36 (55.6%) (13)
22. lotjx: 37-31 (54.4%) (11)
23. The Guinness.: 45-38 (54.2%) (13)
24. RecklessEric: 38-33 (53.5%) (12)
25. The Game: 32-28 (53.3%) (10)
26. El Nastio: 41-36 (53.2%) (13)
27. Ecks: 43-39 (52.4%) (13)
28. texasranger9: 42-39 (51.9%) (13)
dMp: 42-39 (51.9%) (13)
30. Oliver: 24-23 (51.1%) (7)
31. superfurry: 25-24 (51%) (8)
32. GRL: 29-28 (50.9%) (10)
33. Tyler Durden: 24-25 (49%) (10)
34. Matt Tracker: 18-19 (48.6%) (7)
35. UnsUwe: 18-25 (41.9%) (7)

Level Two
1. redsoxnation: 21-5 (80.8%) (4)
2. Inverse: 18-8 (69.2%) (4)
3. Texas Kelly: 15-8 (65.2%) (4)
4. griff: 22-12 (64.7%) (5)
5. Santa Sangre: 21-12 (63.6%) (5)
6. hansen9j: 18-11 (62.1%) (5)
7. scottyflamingo: 13-8 (61.9%) (5)
8. Dionysus: 13-10 (56.5%) (4)
9. I Breastfeed John Madden: 10-10 (50%) (4)
10. Lexus: 9-14 (39.1%) (4)

Level Three
1. Tenken347: 2-0 (100%) (1)
2. jerichoholic71782: 6-2 (75%) (1)
FLRockAndLaw: 6-2 (75%) (1)
jwrestle: 6-2 (75%) (1)
TheGreatWhiteBob: 6-2 (75%) (1)
Mr. Shh: 6-2 (75%) (1)
7. SKLOKAZOID: 13-5 (72.2%) (3)
8. BoromirMark: 9-4 (69.2%) (2)
9. CHAPLOW: 8-4 (66.7%) (3)
10. edoug: 4-2 (66.7%) (1)
Teppan-Yaki: 4-2 (66.7%) (1)
The King of Keith: 4-2 (66.7%) (1)
13. ecwfan4life2004: 2-1 (66.7%) (1)
14. Justin Shapiro: 5-3 (62.5%) (1)
15. Kevintripod: 11-7 (61.1%) (3)
16. StaggerLee: 3-2 (60%) (1)
OndaGrande: 3-2 (60%) (1)
18. spf: 8-6 (57.1%) (2)
19. TwisterF5: 4-3 (57.1%) (1)
20. Spiraling_Shape: 10-9 (52.6%) (3)
21. Loosie: 10-10 (50%) (3)
22. Mystic Goohan 2003: 9-9 (50%) (3)
23. BigDaddyLoco: 5-5 (50%) (2)
24. Shem the Penman: 4-4 (50%) (1)
too-old-now: 4-4 (50%) (1)
26. Rudoublesedoublel: 3-3 (50%) (1)
27. yamcahrulez: 2-2 (50%) (1)
crapshootdan: 2-2 (50%) (1)
29. SchippeWreck: 4-5 (44.4%) (2)
30. GodEatGod: 3-4 (42.9%) (1)
AegisD: 3-4 (42.9%) (1)
32. Super 7-Up: 5-7 (41.7%) (2)
supersalvadoran: 5-7 (41.7%) (2)
34. Derrick: 5-8 (38.5%) (2)
35. Cerebus: 3-5 (37.5%) (1)
MonteCarl: 3-5 (37.5%) (1)
37. Wpob: 1-3 (25%) (1)
38. CajunMan: 1-5 (16.7%) (1)

83 total predictors this year, down from 93 last year, but improved with 35 in the first level this year, up from 29 last year.

Most guessed PPV: Wrestlemania (56), down six from the previous year's 'Mania; followed by Elimination Chamber (43) and Night of Champions (42)

Least guessed PPV: 27, Capital Punishment and Vengeance, then Extreme Rules with 28.

This year's Elimination Chamber Prediction thread is up, so if you haven't already, get crackin'!

@gregmparks - live Tweeting of Raw and Impact, wrestling thoughts and other slices of life.
Promote this thread!

Since: 5.9.08

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.14
I love you for doing this. I stayed the same percentage, but fell 7 spots. Damn you those who improved and I didn't.

The Wee Baby Sheamus.

Twitter: @realjoecarfley its a bit more toned down there. A bit.

Since: 27.2.03
From: Parts Unknown

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.13
Huh, I don't actually remember what my two predictions were. I don't normally chime in on those threads, but I must have seen something to get me talking. Still, despite the fact that I made less predictions than anyone else all year, I will happily take my Tier 3 crown.
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.29
Damn, so close to a second title.

"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone." --- Bart Giamatti, on baseball
Big G

Since: 21.8.03
From: the people who brought you Steel Magnolias....

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.30
Holy Shit!
Does this mean I key the keys to the Executive Crapper or something?

I'm always amazed at the amount of effort geemoney put into this. I'm not sure exactly how much that is, but it looks like a LOT. In previous years I always feel a little bad when this list comes out, cause I start the tipping year full of enthusiasm, road to Wrestlemania (*does sign point) and all, but end up falling away as the years tedious, or worse, botched storylines cause me to lose interest. So I was genuinely surprised at that result.

Also, I can't help but acknowledge the irony that my best form at the tipping table has been in the year where I've watched the least WWE, and indeed, where many of my tips have been based in snark or cynicism. Maybe there's something in that for Vince. Or not.

Anyways, thanks geemoney. You're a legend! I am now going to spend the duration of the day strutting around with an air of entitlement.

El Nastio

Since: 14.1.02
From: Ottawa Ontario, by way of Walkerton

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.43
Greg, you're a hero. A serious no-shit hero. Thank you for doing this.

A hearty NO THANK YOU to all of you who made me drop SEVERAL spots, despite only having a decrease of 0.7

Since: 17.1.02
From: South F’n Carolina

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.97
Yeah, definite props to Geemoney for doing this year after year. That being said, I just couldn't let you get to the top ten this year. Try harder next year, LOSER! BWAHAHA...ahem...sorry bout that.

"Put on your helmets, we'll be reaching speeds of 3!"
"It was nice of you to give that dead woman another chance."
"All right, look alive everybody...oh sorry Susan."- MST3K: Space Mutiny
Click Here (

Since: 13.7.09
From: expat in The Hague, Netherlands

#8 Posted on
Woot, #21. Not too bad for my first full attempt. And not too bad for being relatively clueless about way too much regarding wrestling... Here's where I will admit that I didn't get hooked until I saw the Edge-Big Show-Vickie love triangle. (I want Funky back, too!)

I need to be less safe with my picks, though.

Thanks a lot geemoney! These threads were the primary reason I de-lurked a bit.
Mr Shh
Lap cheong

Since: 9.1.02
From: Monmouth County, NJ

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.30
    Originally posted by geemoney
    Mr. Shh: 6-2 (75%) (1)

Anagrams only lie 25% of the time! Better numbers than I would've done if I just did straight predictions.

You askew my mirror. I askew yours.
Behold, my plunger.
Anagrams posted to
Tribal Prophet

Since: 9.1.02
From: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.58
I also want to give a big Thank You to geemoney for the time and effort that's put into this every year.

I was shocked to see I went from #22 to #4! I have to give all credit for that improvement to me finally learning to Embrace The HATE Schizophrenic Booking.

Really appreciate the work. It's actually one of the big reasons I got back into watching wrestling a couple years ago.

Since: 18.7.02
From: Canada

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.76
I had the same number of wrong predictions this year as last (39) - too often I pick what I think should happen, not what is obvious will happen. Still, thanks for compiling the results, I don't think anyone compiles the TNA PPV predictions.

Summer sausage

Since: 23.9.10
From: Calgary, AB

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.59
Did better than I thought I would. Thanks for doing this.

(edited by Moss on 15.2.12 2122)

Shut up, Josh!
The Guinness.
Potato korv

Since: 24.4.05
From: San Diego, CA

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.68
My goal was to be level 1. I achieved it with going over .500 to boot!

Kinda like the bonus matches being included in the counts. It's like the power ball in the lottery!

Is there a rule on gambling on this years prediction thread (of course there is..there has to be right?) geemoney, if committed enough (obviously he is...8 years so far) may just have created an awesome fantasy game out of this business.

(edited by The Guinness. on 19.2.12 0029)

Since: 6.7.02
From: Germany

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.57
YES!!! Finally reached the position I so rightfully deserve.

And to defend my title next year, I'm going to screw up the Elimination Chamber prediction now.

Since: 9.1.11

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.22
I hit all 13! Woo hoo! At 52%. Uh, time to give up the coin flip method.

Since: 23.6.10
From: Auburn, AL

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 2.93
Did not even realize this was a thing. Geemoney, that has to be a pain in the ass to score.

Pretty proud of myself making second tier since I didn't do probably half the shows (though I think I should get some sort of bonus for calling the Sheamus Rumble win).
Thread rated: 5.30
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Thread ahead: Ring Ka King #8 2/19/12
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This is the show of the weekend. Crews. Can't wait to see the Uhaa Combination. Wonder if they will hold out on that like they did the GTS for Hideo. Samoa Joe Breeze Blake & Murphy, although I would love to see the Vaudevillains win.
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