It's not quite what happene to Michael Vick, but Donovan McNabb isn't exactly 100% healthy right now. It's a good thing Ray Lewis is a defensive player. I figure that's what it takes to beat the Curse.
Originally posted by StingArmyIt's a good thing Ray Lewis is a defensive player. I figure that's what it takes to beat the Curse.
- StingArmy
Or maybe even the curse is scared of Ray Lewis.
The frightening thing about McNabb is that the sports hernia could be career threatening. Hopefully it won't come to that, though. That alone would be a problem, except he also took that spear from Lavalais in week 1. We'll see how long he's able to last this season. It was evident in the Oakland game when he tried to run, he's not the same McNabb.
"Now that you've built up the courage to get into the gym, let me give you five reasons why you should put in the time to train with consistency: 1. Increased strength 2. Improved self-confidence 3. Injury prevention 4. Self-discipline 5. Sex (Trust me, you'll have a better shot with the ladies if you're in shape.)" -- Making the Game, pp. 14 - 15