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The W - Pro Wrestling - RVD & Sabu ARRESTED!
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Lap cheong

Since: 18.6.02
From: North Cacalacky

#1 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.52

The Ironton Tribune is reporting today that Rob Van Dam and Sabu were arrested Sunday night as they were driving from yesterday's ECW show in Huntington, WV to tonight's Raw taping in Philadelphia, PA. RVD was driving the car near Hanging Rock, OH when they were pulled over for speeding. When the trooper approached the car, he smelled marijuana and performed a search. The story reported that RVD, real name Robert Szatowski, was found to have 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin in his possession.

The story also stated that Sabu, real name Terry Brunk, "was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances, according to the OSHP." They were cited and posted bond at the scene. They are both scheduled to appear at 10 a.m. on Thursday in Ironton Municipal Court.

According to the wellness policy, anyone arrested for drugs is subject to immediate dismissal.

Both these men are FUCKED!

Checkmate, El Super Lucha-Bitch~!
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Matt Tracker

Since: 8.5.03
From: North Carolina

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.84
    Originally posted by OMEGA
    ...subject to immediate dismissal.

That wording can let them off the hook, if Vince chooses.

"To be the man, you gotta beat demands." -- The Lovely Mrs. Tracker

My blog will amuse. (

Since: 1.4.03
From: Dale City, Virginia

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.65
Just got down reading this on other wrestling sites as well. I get the feeling Sabu might be let go but I think they will somehow let RVD stay.

"I shall finish the game"
Lap cheong

Since: 18.6.02
From: North Cacalacky

#4 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.52
I have a hard time believing that Vince will just let Rob go into the waiting arms of TNA (could happen, but it sure as hell isn't definite).

However, the biggest push of Rob's career is certainly over with either tonight or tomorrow night. And after this, I doubt Rob will EVER be put into a position of power within the company again.

Checkmate, El Super Lucha-Bitch~!
Head cheese

Since: 22.7.05
From: Tulsa, OK

#5 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.44
In May 1987, Jim Duggan and Iron Sheik were arrested for marijuana possession in New Jersey while in a car. The story broke which broke kayfabe because Duggan and Sheik were embroiled in a feud at the time.

Duggan was retained, Sheik was canned however.

Fast forward to 2006:
Playing the part of Jim Duggan will be Rob Van Dam
Playing the part of Iron Sheik will be Sabu

The only difference is they aren't feuding...
Big Show: Why is he getting the Intercontinental Title shot and not me?
RVD: Ahhh...maybe 'cause you're a tool.
Big Show: Look. I am 7'2". I am 500 pounds. I'm a giant.
RVD: Oh ok. You're a giant tool.

Since: 21.4.04
From: New York, NY, USA

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.68
Nobody cares about kayfabe anymore anyway, but not only does it make storyline sense for RVD and Sabu to be riding together, it also makes sense for them to be smoking pot together! Pot, of course, is not banned under the wellness policy, though I imagine that doesn't go for Vicodin and whatever mysterious substance Sabu had on him.

I have nothing witty to put here.

Since: 1.5.03
From: Gainesville, FL.

#7 Posted on | Instant Rating: 3.20
Y'know, Vince McMahon isn't a stranger to criminal prosecution himself and they have given guys breaks for drug related offenses in the past. Rob's use of the ganj isn't a secret, as is Sabu's usage. If it was like steroids or something, they'd def. be sent home...

That said, they've made a huge mistake. Sabu may very well be asked to go into rehab. I don't see him being released.

Rob is a little trickier. I don't see them blowing up the ECW angle because Rob got charged with misdemeanor possession. I didn't expect him to lose the title tomorrow and I still don't. They've built the ECW brand around him and they won't release him or even job him out. It does cause him to lose standing in the company, of course and I don't exactly see him headlining WM now (not that I ever did.) But you never know, the search could be thrown out and the case dismissed...athletes get arrested for drug use everyday...hell, I mean Flair got arrested and the case amounted to nothing...

but yeah, they're REALLY dumb and deserve any punishment they get.
Lap cheong

Since: 18.6.02
From: North Cacalacky

#8 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.52
Normally, I'd agree with those saying this isn't all that big of a deal, and the company might not punish them TOO harshly for it.

However, with that wellness policy in place... that sort of throws all that out the window.

Checkmate, El Super Lucha-Bitch~!

Since: 10.12.01
From: Aurora, IL

#9 Posted on | Instant Rating: 10.00
The actual Ironton Online article is here.

    Pot, of course, is not banned under the wellness policy

This is a common misbelief. It's in the wellness policy, but it's not part of the drug tests - they can still suspend/fire/whatever someone if they publically have a problem. This would be a problem! - CMLLBlog
Lap cheong

Since: 4.4.03
From: Nitro WV

#10 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.36
Good grief it would happen around this area...face palm. Great...good going Sabu and RVD!

If you can't beat'em whack'em with a chair!

______________Don't cross Mr. Cheese!____________Pam Anderson and Trish Stratus make that hot!
Boudin rouge

Since: 15.1.02
From: Flatwoods, KY

#11 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.47
I love that this happened 10 minutes from my house. I am just trying to figure out why RVD and Sabu were heading to Portsmouth when Raw/Smackdown/ECW is in Philadelphia. If they were driving to Philly they were heading in the opposite direction. If they were flying, why not fly out of Charleston or even Huntington? In the direction they were heading they were going to either Cincinnati or Columbus. Both are about a 3 hour drive from Huntington, maybe even longer on a road like US 52 that is two lanes and 35 MPH in places.

I am sure no one else cares about their reasonings but me, but you know living around here it makes you wonder where the heck they were going. Bob Ryder must have been their travel agent.

Ffej- The 2005 NCAA "W" Tourney Pick 'Em Champion

Since: 25.4.03
From: Nashville, TN

#12 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.91

This could be a very interesting situation. Do you make an example & say that everyone from from the champ to the Heat jobber must abide or do you bend a few rules.

Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised to see Edge walk out the ECW show as the new WWE champ (the ECW title isn't on the line at this time).

Since: 3.1.02
From: Philly

#13 Posted on | Instant Rating: 0.00
    Originally posted by Destrucity
    Pot, of course, is not banned under the wellness policy, though I imagine that doesn't go for Vicodin and whatever mysterious substance Sabu had on him.

    Policy states:
    13. Any Talent who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs will be in material breach of contract and subject to immediate dismissal.
    (7) Illegal drugs. The possession, use, and/or distribution of any drug made illegal to possess, use and/or distribute by the laws of the United States of America and/or any of its fifty states is prohibited by this Policy.


Pot would certainly fall under the "illegal to possess, use and/or distribute" clause.

(edited by vsp on 3.7.06 1504)

"You are the Internet equivalent of a brown person who lives in a cardboard box in East Timor, hoping to jack some sheet metal so you'll have a roof before monsoon season hits." -- afed
Lap cheong

Since: 18.6.02
From: North Cacalacky

#14 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.52
    Originally posted by Mayhem
    Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised to see Edge walk out the ECW show as the new WWE champ (the ECW title isn't on the line at this time).

Actually, both titles are scheduled to be on the line in that match. And I wouldn't be suprised to see both switch hands.

Checkmate, El Super Lucha-Bitch~!

Since: 5.1.04
From: Reading, Pa

#15 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.46
I'm not dissapointed they were smoking weed or doing pain killers, I'm dissapointed they were speeding with a lit bowl.

Someone said RVD is screwed, Id say the ECW brand is screwed. If Vince decides to drop the hammer. I bet they get off scot free as far as the w is concerned

I just remembered that im absent minded
wait i mean i lost my mind, i cant find it.

Since: 17.1.02
From: South F’n Carolina

#16 Posted on | Instant Rating: 5.75
All I know is that I'm suddenly MUCH more interested and happy that I'm going to the Raw/SD Supershow in Philly tonight. I know that tomorrow is the scheduled deal for RVD vs. Edge, but if the WWE is really worried and sticking to the Wellness Program, then they could decide to hotshot the title change tonight.

Having Sabu play the Iron Sheik is kind of ironic, or fitting, or something like that. If RVD is really playing Duggan, then I can expect a UUUUUmaga squash tonight on Raw.

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Spank E

Since: 2.1.02
From: Plymouth, UK

#17 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.30
    Originally posted by Ffej
    I am just trying to figure out why RVD and Sabu were heading to Portsmouth when Raw/Smackdown/ECW is in Philadelphia. If they were driving to Philly they were heading in the opposite direction.

They WERE smoking pot...

Six Degrees of Me

Since: 21.2.02

#18 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.69
I am just trying to figure out why RVD and Sabu were heading to Portsmouth when Raw/Smackdown/ECW is in Philadelphia. If they were driving to Philly they were heading in the opposite direction. If they were flying, why not fly out of Charleston or even Huntington? In the direction they were heading they were going to either Cincinnati or Columbus. Both are about a 3 hour drive from Huntington, maybe even longer on a road like US 52 that is two lanes and 35 MPH in places.

Probably because they were stoned



(edited by RYDER FAKIN on 3.7.06 1727)

Demonstrations are a drag. Besides, we're much too high

Since: 4.1.02
From: The Hague, Netherlands (Europe)

#19 Posted on | Instant Rating: 6.07

basically says they are under investigation but no decision yet. This totally sucks.
For all those years RVD managed to steer clear of trouble and now that he is champion he does this.

*sigh* Why bother?
The Vile1
Lap cheong

Since: 4.9.02
From: California

#20 Posted on | Instant Rating: 1.86
    Originally posted by OMEGA
    Normally, I'd agree with those saying this isn't all that big of a deal, and the company might not punish them TOO harshly for it.

    However, with that wellness policy in place... that sort of throws all that out the window.

Like a wellness policy in the WWE of all places isn't a complete and total farce already.

As for RVD, on TV they've specifically referenced and made light of his being a pot-smoker. So if RVD is held accountable, then so should WWE.
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I was referring to early 80s toy tie-in nostalgia. At any rate, Mark Waid's work on Flash is pretty much what started the "Silver Age Nostalgia phase" that began in the mid 90s -- which, IMHO, is where the KS GA run would go.
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