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The W - Pro Wrestling - Mighty Big Girl
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Since: 12.1.02
From: BC, Canada

#1 Posted on
Just rereading Mick Foley's have a nice day and came across this passage:

"I even got a girlfriend -- an older veteran of the ladies' circuit. I'll leave it up to you fans to figure out who it was, but I'll give you a hint -- Adrian Street wrote a song about her called Mighty Big Girl."

Anyone have any idea who he is talking about?

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Since: 2.1.02

#2 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.42
I always assumed it wasn't anyone noteworthy, he just said that line to point out that the girl was REALLY REALLY FAT.

Caring is the first step towards disappointment.

Since: 7.3.02
From: Baltimore, MD

#3 Posted on

    Originally posted by StampedeFan23
    Just rereading Mick Foley's have a nice day and came across this passage:

    "I even got a girlfriend -- an older veteran of the ladies' circuit. I'll leave it up to you fans to figure out who it was, but I'll give you a hint -- Adrian Street wrote a song about her called Mighty Big Girl."

    Anyone have any idea who he is talking about?

Peggy Lee Leather?
Rhonda Singh?
Aja Kong?

Fueled by Guinness, powered by YOUR LOVE.
Damn straight.
RandomWrestling:We F'n Own.

Since: 17.1.02
From: South F’n Carolina

#4 Posted on
Judy Martin?

Leilani Kai?

Joyce Grable?

Lady X (gotta love LPWA references)?

"Oh would you stop being all stealthy and just get in the truck"- Tom Servo
J. Kyle

Since: 21.2.02
From: The Land of Aloha

#5 Posted on
Nobody Important Says:

I am fairly certain he was mentioning Rhonda.

I'm a Cruiserweight, how do you like that?


****CRZ thought I was dead and left me at the bottom of a smoke stack. But now I reteurn as the Scarlet Smarker! Who is the real clone?****


Since: 12.1.02
From: BC, Canada

#6 Posted on
Wow! If it was Rhonda Sing, I say, more power to Mick! I met Rhonda about 10-12 years ago when she was still working for Stampede, she was very nice. Plus, I am not ashamed to admit, she was quite attractive. I go for big girls...

Are you ready for Mahkan-mania to run wild all over you?

Since: 12.2.02
From: Parts unknown

#7 Posted on
Rhonda and Mick, I believe, used to live near each other.

Monster Ripper was the best name of anybody, real or fiction, ever.
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I said Flair got the credit cos everyone seemed to love his promo and I also didnt want to be responsible for a HHH thread. Or maybe we should thank the Bears for sucking so very badly on MNF
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