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The W - Pro Wrestling - Booker T's Scars, Suckaaaaa!
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Mr. Heat Miser

Since: 27.1.02

#1 Posted on
So, last night the Mrs. and I are watching Raw, and she asks how Booker got the scar on his right shoulder. Thinking she meant the prominent linear one, I said that it was probably from some kind of surgery or something. She says, "No, I mean the little round one - could it be from a bullet?"

Now, I didn't see the scar she was talking about, but I figured that if anyone knows the story behind Booker's shoulder scar(s), it would be a weiner.

Anyone got the scoop?

Everything I touch, starts to melt in my clutch........
I'm too much!
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Mild Mannered Madman

Since: 1.3.02
From: Westminster, CA

#2 Posted on
They're keloid scars.

We're all mad here... I'm mad... You're mad...
Thirty Millionth Hit

Since: 2.1.02
From: The Silver Spring in the Land of Mary.

#3 Posted on | Instant Rating: 4.05
ok, lets try this again, but this time in english =)

they're WHAT scars???

what the blue hell is a keloid. tell us, cuz suckas gots to know..

"If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college." -Lewis Black
"Yeah, fuck you E.T. you ungrateful dick." -BigDaddyLoco 5/20/2

Since: 19.3.02
From: Boston

#4 Posted on

    Originally posted by rikidozan
    ok, lets try this again, but this time in english =)

    they're WHAT scars???

    what the blue hell is a keloid. tell us, cuz suckas gots to know..

I can handle this part of the question.... A Keloid, without getting too technical, is improper healing of scars. If I remember right, it is more common seeing it happen on the upper body than anyplace else. They also are as deep under the skin as they are on the skin. And because of the improper healing they are a pain to remove. I get Keloids from some bad cuts and such, and one I had removed was one of the most painful experiences ever.

Another thing I was just thinking of... I remember when I had a Keloid removed when I was 12, I was told that if I ever wanted to get a tatoo I should consult the proper physician first. So I wonder if that was a Keloid on Booker's shoulder, or the doctor that told me that was just full of it.

I've got chunks of guys like you in my stool~!
Boudin blanc

Since: 6.1.02
From: Brooklyn, NY

#5 Posted on
Stevie Ray´s got those scars on his shoulders also.

Expressing myself EVERY day!

Since: 13.2.02
From: Back in the Heart of Hali

#6 Posted on | Instant Rating: 7.46

To clarify on keloid (but not the source of Booker T's scars):

Generally, you're either a `keloid-former' or you're not (this is not a rule, a keloid scar can happen to anyone). If you are, essentially what it means is that your body overproduces scar tissue in response to trauma (like getting cut, especially severely). There is also apparently some protein difference or something between keloid scar tissue and not. African-American people are much more likely to have this condition (I believe to the tune of 80% or so), but it happens to a percentage of every race. It can cause some complications in life if you don't know about it (i.e. I'm a keloid-former, and I'm half-deaf in one ear as a result of a doctor not knowing that when I was an infant). If you have a fluke keloid scar, removal is an option; if you're a keloid-former, removal is likely to leave a scar that's just as bad as the original.

At the same time, it can give you some pretty wild scars. And, as we all know, Chicks Dig Scars
As for tatooing, it can be a problem if you go to someone who really grinds it in or you're a particularly bad case; at the same time, it can make you an excellent candidate for branding or scarification.

I'm a disturbed and bitter herb, like salt water and parsley... -- Prince Paul
Polska kielbasa

Since: 2.1.02

#7 Posted on
Actually the reason why Booker T and Stevie Ray both have scars on their shoulders in about the same place is because they were really Siamese twins seperated at birth.

Yep you heard it hear first now spread the news.

Since: 19.3.02
From: Boston

#8 Posted on

    Originally posted by tarnish
    ... If you have a fluke keloid scar, removal is an option; if you're a keloid-former, removal is likely to leave a scar that's just as bad as the original...

Actually, it depends upond the doctor. I had a keloid on the top of my chest and the doctor that removed it did an excellent job in removing it. He didn't remove the entire scar when he removed it, and I had to get Kenellog (not sure of the exact spelling of the medicine) injections in the location of the keloid to get rid of the rest of it. The injections were some of the most painful things ever (I won't even talk about the surgery) but I had that 10 years ago and there was no return of that scar.

I've got chunks of guys like you in my stool~!
coalminer's glove

Since: 23.5.02
From: New Orleans

#9 Posted on
One more note, a keloid can actually expand past the width of the original scar. Therefore a cut maybe a half inch wide may result in a three inch wide keloid. I once saw a guy who just had his ears pierced and he had keloids the shape of quarters on his ear lobes.

There is still "Panda-moan-ium" in the WWF.
Mr. Heat Miser

Since: 27.1.02

#10 Posted on
Thanks, everyone -- very interesting.

Everything I touch, starts to melt in my clutch........
I'm too much!
Big Bad

Since: 4.1.02
From: Dorchester, Ontario

#11 Posted on
At least Booker and Stevie weren't originally booked as the Keloid Kids.

I was born in a manger, like that other guy. You know, he wore a hat?

Since: 4.1.02

#12 Posted on
I remember reading somewhere that Stevie Ray's scars were from a motorcycle accident. But that doesn't explain Booker's. Sympathy brotherly scarring? Nahhhhh.
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